It is November and the Moon is Full. Can you feel it?
I hope you will find a moment or 10 to reflect today. I’ve included a Full Moon Journal Exploration. I hope you find it useful.
Also, as many of you know, today Winter Circle Leader Training Early Bird Registration if officially open. I look forward to reading the applications of those who feel called to participate in this 13 Week Journey. We will begin in January. Oomph. Details Here.
Sending you moon beams of love and respect,
P.S~If you feel moved by this issue of WILD Woman Weeklyish, please share it with your wild ones.
Video Credit: Full Moon Silhouettes from Mark Gee.
Full Moon
The Full Moon is a time when there is as much light in the night’s sky as we ever get. So we can use this time to see all, see fully & clearly. Below is an exploration to help you shine some light on your inner world.
:::Also, Here are 5 ways to Nurture your New Moon intentions, on the Full Moon:::
“Who do you think you are?”
Every single time I stretch myself to do something I haven’t done before.
Every time I write, teach, fall in love, speak my truth, put myself out there personally or professionally.
Every time I dare to think bigger or differently.
Every time I am called to take a leap.
The voice is there.
“Who do you think you are?,” it says in the most judgmental, disgusted tone it can muster.
As I write this, tears are welling up in my eyes. A remembrance of all the times I let that voice stop me in my tracks and sting me with big doubt. Old grief echoes in the halls of my heart for the abandoned projects and dreams that I have laid at the feet of this voice inside.
Some might call this voice the inner critic, the ego, the shadow, the demon, the monkey mind. I like Steven Pressfield’s simple description: resistance.
If our inner guidance is the voice of wisdom inside, the compass on our path, Resistance is the opposing force. It is through following guidance, even as resistance pushes up against it, that we grow strong. Just like the seed in the earth which is created to sprout, yet has to push up against the soil and the force of gravity, we move through resistance so we can stand tall and sturdy through the wind and the rains of life.
Now, for the most part (with a few exceptions), When my guidance hears that question, “Who do you think you are?” It answers firmly and lovingly, “I am a single expression of the divine, just like everyone else.”
End of conversation.
Your turn. What is your voice of resistance? What is that phrase you here most often, especially when you are doing something new?
Journal Exploration
Call upon both your voices: Inner Guidance & Resistance. Invite them into dialogue. Simply let yourself be the conduit. You can write it like a play.
IG: I am here.
R: ugh.
IG: Resistance, will you tell me what is troubling you?
Allow both voices to be heard. When the dialogue is complete, thank both voices. For both are guides on your path, facilitating your growth.
On the Horizon
“If you ever needed confirmation that a true sisterhood experience could exist with generosity, inclusivity, rawness, inspiration, and pulsating fun, Wild Woman Fest is it. The culture is magnetic and welcomes each woman as they are.” ~ Rosa C.
Wild Woman Fest returns…
Join us for the 9th Annual Wild Woman Fest August 14-17th, 2025
All on a beautiful & sacred land in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Asheville North Carolina.
TICKETS GO ON SALE 4/4/25 at 12pm ET
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on March 28th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the organizer & facilitator of the beloved annual WILD WOMAN FEST, a women’s retreat-festival hybrid which fosters a deep connection to nature, a direct experience of the divine feminine & profound spiritual sisterhood among the women in attendance.
An ever student of the great mysteries of existence and nature itself, Chris believes women are holding innate gifts & tools that society at large needs – now more than ever. She is committed to helping women remember their special magic and to bring it forward into every corner of their lives, for the greater good of the planet.