Today is the First Quarter Moon! The Moon is Waxing and the energy is rising. Do you feel it? This also means that here at The Wild Woman Project we are one quarter way through our final Moon Cycle in our In the Flesh Series.
Many of you have joined us over the last year as we have been focusing on truly inhabiting our own bodies. Instead of constantly asking “how do I look?”, we have been asking: How do I feel? And we have been trusting that our interior experiences have a big role to play in healing ourselves and our world. During this final Moon Cycle in our “In the Flesh Series” we are collectively reflecting on what has come through our bodies and experiences in the last year ~ so we can all exit this year long exploration a little wiser, a little more in tune with our bodies and the Earth.
If you’ve been on this year long ride with us or are joining us today, you are invited to carry these questions with you in any way that is beneficial to you. You can journal, take a bath with a question on your heart, talk with a friend, create an art piece, or hold it close to you for as long as you desire.
So bring your favorite beverage and let’s dig in:
7 “In the Flesh” Questions to Help You Dive Deep
1. What messages have I received through my body throughout this “In the Flesh” exploration?
Our bodies often have so much to tell us, if we truly make the space to listen. What messages have emerged for you through your body during this year long exploration? What is your body telling you this Moon Cycle? This week? Today?
2. How does my body communicate with me?
There are so many ways for our bodies to send us messages. We can receive messages through dreams, butterflies in our stomach, a quickening breath, or simply a deep knowing. Our bodies can result to severe exhaustion or sickness when trying to send us an important message about what is needed. It’s beneficial to us to attune not only to what our body is saying, but to HOW our body is trying to deliver the message.
3. How does my experience in my body change when I shift my focus from “how do I look” to “how do I FEEL”?
When we continue to practice (and yes, it takes practice) shifting our focus from observing how our bodies “look” from the outside and begin to pay attention to how our bodies “feel” on the inside a lot can surprise us.
Perhaps that outfit you thought you loved so dearly is actually a PAIN to experience? Perhaps you want to wear your hair a different way? Perhaps you are shocked at how much more space you have in you life when you stop obsessing about how you “look”? Perhaps with all this space comes a infinite stream of wisdom you didn’t even know you could tap into? Perhaps you are completely liberated when your body finally tells you that you don’t owe it to anyone to “look” any kind of way, (like never)?
Tip: this one can be especially challenging. We are often surrounded by “how do I look” mentality. If you’re having trouble backing away from that, don’t beat yourself up. Maybe try covering any mirrors that aren’t hanging above your bathroom sink for a week and see what happens?
4. When does my body feel the best?
The answer to this question may be around eating a certain way, a type of exercise that feels especially good, or it could be under silk sheets after a bubble bath. No wrong answers here.
5. What landscapes of the Earth feel most like home to me?
Perhaps you would live in the Ocean if you could? Maybe the Desert sings to your heart? Or maybe the Mountains feel like home? It could be anywhere. Once you identify a landscape that feels like home begin investigating WHY. There could be a deeper answer buried underneath. (Maybe you feel at home in the Ocean because you are at home when you are in ~FLOW~?)
6. What landscapes of the Earth make me uncomfortable/ or are challenging for me in some way?
The answer to this question could be just as potent, if not more so then the one above. Once you identify a landscape that feels different/ challenging to you, begin to ask WHY. The answer might be something like “the Desert is too hot!” or perhaps it’s a little deeper, “the appearance of lifelessness in the Desert makes me feel uneasy and fearful”. No judgements, just ask in and see what arises.
7. In what ways is my body not just on the Earth, but actually made of the Earth?
I’m going to leave this one a little elusive and open-ended. However, we often say “ashes to ashes” – I prefer “Earth to Earth”. 😉
Your Turn!
Let us know in the comments below which questions you will be carrying with you through the remainder of this Moon Cycle. Or feel free to share your responses to any of the questions! We love hearing from you.
On the Horizon
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.
Amanda is the Director of Communications & Creative Development for The Wild Woman Project, as well as: Wild Woman Project Circle Leader, a member of the Love Crew at the annual WILD WOMAN FEST, and a Mentor for The Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training Program. She holds a B.A. in Theatre from California State University, Fullerton where she intensively studied Movement for the Stage. A self described Mystic, Artist, Witch, People Person, Beverage Aficionado from Los Angeles California; She is particularly passionate about the space where Art, Activism, and Spirit collide.
Thank you
Thank you for reading! <3
i am looking for this months meditation if its available, thank you!
Hi Jennifer! Are you looking for the “Your New Moon Companion” for this Moon Cycle? We actually didn’t publish one this Moon Cycle (a little more info on that in our last post: “Our Powerful Flesh: A New Moon Letter”). 🙂
I just wanted to thank you for this meditation. I was surprised how many words flowed out of me, answers to the questions that I wasn’t even aware of I had inside me. 🙂 I especially like the ones about landscapes, to try to put words on a gut feeling.
I realised my body has always sent me messages with through exhaustion, ever since my teenage years, to force me to stop and let surface a deep knowing of that I’m on the wrong path.
Regarding what happens when I notice how I FEEL rather than how I look, I can tell you that despite never being a person for make up and high heels, now also my last wired padded bra and tight sneakers have gone out the window!
I am the elements of the Earth come alive and conscious…
Much love,
Sara, thank you so much for your beautiful and heartfelt reply! I think many Women can absolutely relate to that “exhaustion” message! Isn’t it funny how sometimes we only listen when we absolutely can not refuse any longer? Power to you on throwing out what doesn’t make you feel good! To each her own. <3 Big love to you.