Step One: Carve Out Space
For this Ritual, I recommend your very first thing be putting a “joy date” on your calendar. This can be alone, with friends, in your home, in a park, a museum, at the beach, outdoors, any combination of anything that FEELS GOOD. For this, I say “follow the path of the least resistance”. If getting friends together is tough and stressful, go this one alone. If heading out feels miserable and like a “task”, stay inside! (or vice versa). Set aside the time and place in a way that, get ready, feels….joyful.
In setting your date, I’d have a rough idea of an activity you’d like to do in this time. Your activity could be as simple as taking a walk, listening to music, or dancing alone in your room. Your activity could also be more elaborate such as playing with craft supplies, building something, or exploring a physical space (a playground or a beach maybe?).
Step Two: Get Centered
Once your “joy date” has arrived, first things first – get centered.
Here’s the part where I get to lecture you every Moon Cycle. (This part is really important y’all!)
When I talk about “getting centered” I am talking about taking time to connect deeply with yourself before connecting to something/ someone else. You are aiming to connect with the part of you deep, deep down in your heart. You are taking some time to turn down the volume of the voice in your head, rattling off your “to do lists”, and to turn up the volume of your inner guidance, your inner knowing, deep in our hearts. You may want to light some candles, meditate, take a shower, take some deep breaths, close your eyes, turn on some music, whatever that process is for YOU.
Step Three: From the Inside Out
Before you begin your activity, see if you can begin to feel joy bubbling up inside your being. Imagine there is a huge, huge ball of joyous light in the center of your chest, and everything it touches is joyful. See if you can recall one of your earliest memories of feeling joyful. Don’t worry about what came after or before the feeling, but instead see if you can FEEL THE FEELING again (a re-feeling, if you will). Then, see if there are any other memories throughout your life where you can re-feel joy. Take your time, see if you can really re-feel it. How does your body feel? How does your heart feel? Do you find yourself naturally smiling? See if you can re-feel the memory of joy inside your heart and bring it to the surface of your being. (From inside to outside)
Step Four: From the Outside In
On some days, recalling joy will come with ease, and some days not as much. If you felt some roadblocks in Step Three, not to worry – keep going, you got this.
Next, as you begin your activity and your “joy date”, I’d like you to imagine that a big bucket of joy was dumped on you. However this visual works for you, roll with it. Maybe, you imagine a bucket of magical fairy dust was poured upon you and you can’t help but feel joy! Maybe, you stepped through a magical veil and nothing but joy is on the other side. Or perhaps, you stepped into a beam of energy that has overcome your being and you are possessed with joy! You may feel silly, but that’s part of it! Try it out! How does it feel??
After you have been sentenced to fully and unabashed joy, begin your activity and just HAVE FUN. Let yourself play, there are no rules, there is really nothing you “need” to do. Just allow. Allow yourself to move with the joy. This can be for any amount of time, doing anything you wish. (This is supposed to FEEL GOOD).
As you move through your activity, you may choose to notice moments when joy really peaks. What do those moments feel like? When you “step into joy” in this way, does your heart light up? Do you feel joy bubbling on the inside? Do the actions you are moving through begin to feel authentic in your heart? (from the outside in).
Step Five: Reflection & Intention
After your “joy date” is over, take some time to reflect on how it felt. Was this state of being very different from how you normally feel? Did this feel like home? Did you feel a little “cracked open”? What would happen if you felt like this more often? What would happen if you felt like this every day?! What is the importance of allowing yourself to feel joy in this way? How would your joy start a revolution? What did you learn?
Once you have reflected and possibly journaled about your experience, I would recommend setting an intention to do ONE THING everyday the makes you feel joyful. Start with something simple, and maybe when days allow, do something more extravagant.