Today’s Last Quarter Moon marks the final chapter in in our “Streams of Longing” Moon Cycle, where we are experiencing flow and connecting to our deeply held desires.
As we explore our yearlong theme, “Rituals of Rewilding”, my hope is to bring you simple Rituals (with the continuous invitation to embellish however you see fit) calling upon the Elements to aid and support us in the movements of our lives and the collective.
May these Rituals assist us in building and strengthening our intimate relationship with each of the Elements, ourselves, and our world.
Please use this Ritual in a way that is personal and useful to you – these suggestions are a starting point, not a set of rigid directions.
Materials Needed: Journal & your favorite liquid to drink
Time Suggested: 10-20 mins (or however long you like!)
Step One: Preparation
Before you begin your internal/energetic/emotional preparation, I will ask you to get ahold of: your FAVORITE vessel to drink liquid out of (a mug, a wine glass, a goblet, a shell, a potion bottle, anything at all..), and your FAVORITE liquid to drink.
In selecting your liquid, you may choose an herbal infusion or herbal tea that aligns with your intention. You might choose to steep your tea overnight with crystals sitting on top of the jar. You might want to stick with water for this Ritual, as this is the Element we are building our relationship with. Or (and this may surprise you) you might want to choose coffee or a meaningful alcoholic beverage. As a professional specialty coffee barista of 10 years and a biodynamic wine enthusiast, I can attest that one can have a deeply spiritual connection to all types of beverages. Simply choose something that is sacred to YOU.
Step Two: Getting Centered
“Getting Centered” is taking time to connect deeply with ourselves before connecting to something/someone else. We are aiming to connect with the part of us deep, deep down in our hearts. By taking time to have “Ritual Foreplay” (lighting candles, turning on music, turning off our phones, etc.) we are signaling to ourselves on the deepest level that we are making ourselves a priority. We are signaling to our innermost selves that now is a safe time to emerge and communicate with us.
For this Ritual, I strongly suggest that you ease into the idea and feeling of “longing”. Begin to tune into where you feel this in your body. If there are any songs that help you tap into this feeling, blast ’em! If there is a special piece of clothing, a perfume, or literally anything that assists you in tapping into the essence of “longing” indulge away.
Step Three: Where the Magic Happens…
Now, take a bit of your favorite liquid and pour it into your favorite vessel. Hold it in your hands.
Next, get clear on what you are longing for, really try and see it in your mind. You might be longing for a specific energy or quality of being to come alive within you. You might be longing for a connection, to create something, or anything else that is meaningful to you. We may be longing for all types of things, but for this Ritual I will suggest we focus on longings that are not a physical object. If you are longing for a physical object, I’d like to invite you to dig into what that object represents for you. For example, a new car may mean independence or a new wardrobe may mean a declaration of your identity/artistic expression to the world.
Once you are clear on what you are longing for, close your eyes and really imagine it. Then, speak or whisper this longing to the liquid in your hands. Continue to speak, in more detail if you wish, what you are longing for. You may feel a little silly doing this, but there is actual evidence that human feelings and emotions can be absorbed by water (if you’re curious about that, take a peak at “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Dr. Masaru Emoto).
Then, when you feel you have really infused this liquid with what you are longing for, ceremoniously (whatever that means to you) drink this liquid as an act of honoring your longing, and as an act representing that what you are longing for is (in some capacity) within you.
Take some moments to yourself here. Journal. Reflect. Feel the longing within you. Feel the sacredness of absorbing what you are longing for.
Step Four: Gratitude and Closure
Before you wrap up completely, I would suggest performing an act of gratitude (no matter how “small”) to the element of Water. You might want to pour a little more liquid into your vessel and speak gratitude into it and then offer it to the Earth, or you may want to journal a letter of gratitude, or anything else you can imagine. Your act of gratitude is a way of remembering and honoring that the Elements do not exist solely for our consumption/ to serve us, but we are grateful that they so often choose to assist us with their wisdom and actions.
In closing our Ritual together, I’d like to be clear: I am a very pragmatic person. I do not necessarily believe that performing this Ritual will grant you all you are longing for (but I do have a deep respect for life’s mysteries and if that happened, I wouldn’t be shocked). Instead, I would like to clearly illustrate that this Ritual emphasizes that what we are longing for is so often already within us. If it wasn’t within us before this Ritual, it is within us now! Much of what we are longing for we also hold the keys to unlocking within us. In the instances where we do not have the keys, let this Ritual act as a planting of a seed.
In the coming days, weeks, Moon Cycles ahead, pay special attention to how the things you are longing for are ready to make themselves known as being part of you. This may begin to surface instantly, or we may need to nurture these seeds we’ve planted for many Moons to come. Let the Element of Water support you on this journey. Let Water inspire your ~ f l o w ~ and assist you in rising from the depths, the way the Oceans waves so beautifully teach us.
Your Turn
How did connecting to your longing go for you?
Did anything surprising or noteworthy happen?
What does it feel like to think that what you are longing for is within you?
We’d love to hear from you! Share in the comments below!
(You are also welcome to share your Mad-Lib if you like!)
Optional Wild Woman Mad-Lib to assist you in your Ritual:
(this is meant to be of assistance to you, feel free to change as much as possible to make it work for YOU!)
Something I love to do to make my time Sacred is: (what you did to help yourself get centered).
The liquid I am using today is: _________ , the way I connect to it personally is: ____________.
I am longing for: _______________.
This longing feels like: ______________ in my body.
Infusing the liquid with my longing and drinking it felt like ____________.
To me, Water and Longing are related in that: _____________.
In the coming weeks, I will do _____________ to support my longing.
Amanda is the Director of Communications & Creative Development for The Wild Woman Project, as well as: Wild Woman Project Circle Leader, a member of the Love Crew at the annual WILD WOMAN FEST, and a Mentor for The Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training Program. She holds a B.A. in Theatre from California State University, Fullerton where she intensively studied Movement for the Stage. A self described Mystic, Artist, Witch, People Person, Beverage Aficionado from Los Angeles California; She is particularly passionate about the space where Art, Activism, and Spirit collide.
Thank you for sharing ! The keys are always within reach, even if our consciousness does not know