In the Herbcrafter’s Tarot, where each of the classic archetypes are represented by plants, author Latisha Guthrie, chose the Dandelion for the archetypal fool of the plant world. Appearing in early spring with bright yellow flowers, this weed transforms color and texture, eventually sending its many seeds flying on the wind. Those seeds will then turn into new plants and create more and more yellow flowers and more and more seeds! Guthrie offers up the message of the Fool: Be a pioneer.
On the Horizon
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the organizer & facilitator of the beloved annual WILD WOMAN FEST, a women’s retreat-festival hybrid which fosters a deep connection to nature, a direct experience of the divine feminine & profound spiritual sisterhood among the women in attendance.
An ever student of the great mysteries of existence and nature itself, Chris believes women are holding innate gifts & tools that society at large needs – now more than ever. She is committed to helping women remember their special magic and to bring it forward into every corner of their lives, for the greater good of the planet.
I am currently walking the path of the Fool. I recently quit my job as an ER nurse to find a new path. A different path of healing has been emerging.
Wow, Jenn. Congrats on your new path, may it bring many many blessings to you and yours!
Yes currently! I also keep
Pulling my dandelion card 😂. It’s asking me to let go of fear, trust in love and be born into who I really am. Something I wasn’t really able to do until now. So I’m running in wild and free.
Hoooowwwllll! I’m so happy for you!
I too am living the fool’s life! Downsized and set out in my RV last November. Presently in North Carolina 2 mi from the beach sowing my seeds of creativity! It’s been such a deeply healing year … 💜
Oooh, Nancy! Yes! So happy for you!
Love the new newsletter format!! A much quicker read.
Yay! So glad you are loving it, Lida!
I have always walked the fool’s path. always flew by the seat of my pants. I was my parent’s ‘flighty’ daughter who watched the world through a kaleidoscope and kept forgetting about possibilities of peril. As a result, at 68, I’m still here, maybe a bit wiser for the lessons but most of all those lessons taught me nothing but to BELIEVE. My ex used to demand an answer to ‘Believe in what??” But there was no answer to give him. Believe in me, believe in my gut, believe in my angels who surround me every day. I’ve kept them more or less a secret for most of these years, only opening to share when I found a heartmate but there are a lot of heartmates.
I took a trip by myself to Guatemala in 1977 to meet up with the boy. I found myself at the top of a mountain on a moonless night with no idea where I was to go. To cut to the chase, it was a crossroads where the bus dropped me off and I stood in the dark, uncertain but unafraid. A dilapidated truck came past as I hid in the reeds and someone got out as the truck went on. I emerged and said nothing. Another truck came by maybe half an hour later and I thought I heard a woman say, “Come on” so I did. I got in the bed of the truck with her. We drove to a little town and when the truck stopped and she got out, so did I. I was led into a garden full of flowers and parrots and banana trees and was fed. We tried to make conversation but I didn’t speak her dialect and she spoke no English. So I can’t help but assume that was one of my girls, my angels, telling me to get on the truck. She gave me a bed to sleep in and breakfast the next morning. We walked to the centre of town where she told me to sit and wait for the bus to Panajanchel. And then she was gone. That was not my first fool’s journey nor my last but that was the time that my girls made their presence known to me in such a brilliant way. Oh – as it turns out, Guatemala was in the heat of a war at that time. Little colonies and towns all around were being razed nightly so my danger level was extreme – only I didn’t know about that for a long time. I just believe and my girls – and their counterparts of good, respectful and strong men, are always around me. I have no fear. I have no worries.
Thank you for sharing your colorful and inspiring story, Maya! 💜
I walk the path of the fool whenever I travel to Mexico. It is so inspiring to be around the Maya who are so open, love nature so deeply and laugh all the time. On one trip to Tikal my husband and I were sitting in the airport waiting for our plane when an airport employee told us that the plane wasn’t going to land because there weren’t enough people (there were 6 of us) to pick up. We just sat there in stunned silence.
But the airline put us all up in a hotel for the night. At dinner we all talked about our various adventures and the places we had visited. We talked and laughed well into the night. Because we remained open to it when nothing went as expected we ended up having one of the greatest adventures of our lives.
Oops. I forgot to say that Tikal is in Guatemala, not Mexico.
I feel as though I am walking the Fool’s path as we speak. Though, it isn’t in the right order. What’s the right order anyway, when The Fool is concerned? The Fool Is coming after a Tower moment, or so I thought it was.
On April 1 (which is also the start of Mercury retrograde) I begin working with a new company to see how it goes. I hope I will love it, but things are so chaotic as it isn’t a company of my choosing or circumstances I brought upon myself. I was thrown off a cliff into the unknown and now I’m seeing where it takes me. I’m a Pisces, I can go with the flow and count my blessings better than anyone I know-in certain circumstances. (But I’m not one to jump off a cliff on my own without a safety net)
So, here I go. Making the best of it. If it’s too much to bare, I’ll leave. For tomorrow, though April Fool’s Day I will be living like a full on Fool in an unknown territory. Swimming in uncharted waters. It could be a good thing. I’ll see how it goes.
I have foolishly lived my life thinking that love was enough to cure this sick world we live in. My heart breaks every day I see all the pain and suffering we are surrounded by with foolish people of power leading the charge towards global disaster. Sorry to be such a Debbie downer. At 68 I am truly worried for the world my children and grandchildren will have to endure. I have lived a beautiful and foolish life and live among the trees now in magical north Georgia Mountains where my husband of 42 years and I feel at home spreading love and healing.