Dread. Monthly dread.
That’s all I can ever remember feeling as my period approached each cycle. I was eleven when I first moved through this transition. I had what the doctor called a “bad period” — ten days long, heavy, exhausting. I had to agree, though I couldn’t imagine what a “good period” could possibly look like…
At thirteen, I had had enough. I wasn’t yet able to name what was going on, but I knew something was wrong, wasn’t working. I remember dragging myself out of bed, heading upstairs to my mother’s  room and telling her I needed help. “I’m either depressed or I have cancer,” I told her. She was struck by this and called the doctor immediately.
The first thing the doctor did was check my iron levels. With a period as long and heavy as mine, she was almost certain they would be low. When my bloodwork came back it was clear that I needed to supplement. Low iron has a host of symptoms, exhaustion and depressive tendencies are at the top of the list. So, when I was 13, I was put on the birth control pill and iron pills. The hope was that the iron would boost my energy and the pill would lessen my period in flow and length of time. This was a common “solution” to long, arduous periods at that time. It shortened my period from ten days to eight, a small victory.
 It wasn’t until I turned twenty-three that I reached my boiling point. I was moody, stressed and out of control of my mind and emotions. I remember telling my then boyfriend, now husband, “I lose myself totally when I’m on my period. I don’t know who I am.”
So I got off the pill after ten years of major lows. A few months passed and being off the pill allowed me to see more clearly when it was my moon time. I stopped picking fights, and began to feel more in control of my emotions. I was still a heavy bleeder, but I was learning to live with the hand I had been dealt. Slowly, I started to feel better, less agitated, more sane.
Years later I moved to the woods and everything changed.
I had been practicing yoga for a few years at this point and had learned to flow with what was with more ease. Each season I found more love for the woods, the lake, this out-of-the-city lifestyle we had chosen. I found a deep connection to the rythyms of the moon, the seasons, the everchanging flow of nature.
I read about cycle tracking in a blog and I had a beautiful lightbulb moment. I was nature. I was cyclical. It was as if I had been given permission to accept my moon time with grace. I didn’t have the urge to hate it or fight with it anymore. I wasn’t getting out of it anytime soon, so I dreamed of finding the beauty in my bleed. I wondered if I would ever be able to live in harmony with my inner seasons. Could I find appreciation for the lessons of my ebbs and flows as I had with Mother Nature?
I set an intention to find the blessings of my cycle. I wrote a little each day about the tone of the day, the qualities of my energy, and where I was in my cycle. And I did it again the next month. And the next. By the third month I could see patterns and I was elated. Without much effort, my perspective changed. All of a sudden I was able to ride the waves which much less resistance, more ease.

Period Art Piece: Day 2 by Nina Paris

I began to give my family a heads up, “the next two days are low energy for me.” This was a gamechanger. I felt free to ask for what I needed, to be vulnerable about where I was at. I even began using my blood in making art! I realized I could be free to bleed without shame.
I now believe we can all find peace and even inspiration in our deeply cyclical feminine nature if we create space to flow with what is.
Join me in this revolution. Let’s love our periods together. I created Befriending Your Moon Cycle to share my story and to hear your stories, to come together in celebration and in resistance to the mainstream narrative of the period.
Let’s embrace our ebbs, our flows, our blood – together.




Your Turn

In the comments below, or in the privacy of your own heart, please answer:
How do you relate to your inner ebb and flows?
(Whether you bleed or not.)

On the Horizon

Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.

Online, from anywhere.

Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.

Claim Your Seat!

Make your dream to facilitate a Women’s Circle come true in 2025.
Join us online, from anywhere. Spring 2025

"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate

Part part skill-building, part wildish personal-development, this course is sure to give you a deeper look into the Wild Woman Archetype, Moon Wisdom, Intuition and Inner Guidance, Circle Facilitation, and community building. With hundreds of graduates in 26 countries around the world, this course has been cultivated over 13 years to be our very best in Feminine Leadership Training.

We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

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