Period Art Piece: Day 2 by Nina Paris
Your Turn
On the Horizon
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Yes!!!! I can so relate to this but I got mine at 13 and was put on birth control at 15 because I had so much pain I couldn’t go to school. Anyways I have become very connected to my tracking this year and I incorporate a tarot spread on the first day of my cycle and have a ritual practice I do. I also use my blood as Fertilizer for my plants which they love! I schedule crying baths generally around day 23-26 and am able to plan accordingly based on where I am and what I actually need.
What a beautiful offering to your plants, Chelsey! Thank you for sharing. I will certainly ly offer to my gardens going forward .
Thanks so much for sharing, Chelsea!
I can most certainly relate. I got mine when i was 14 and it was horrible. Fast forward now that i am 40 i have learned to embrace it. I always thank God when i am on my cycle each month. I also make sure to tell my husband that i am not as energetic as usual because of it and thankfully he understands. I am grateful that i no longer bleed as heavy or have cramps as bad. I look at this as being a part of womanhood!! I also track my cycle which helps me prepare for what’s to come.
It is so nice to be able to share freely with our partners! Thank you, LaKrysta.
Amazing, LaKrysta!
I call my menstruating cycles my Crimson Moon Tide, writing about our week together with a breath of fondness. It wasn’t always like this.
I received my first crimson tide when I was nine years old and I hated it. I wasn’t connected to the moon at all growing up. I remember I bled all over the chair at school and was shamed by the other girls.
I experienced really bad anemia and so I was told to have an IUD. That changed everything – not having my sacred flow I felt empty somehow. There is so much more to the womb cycle then menstruating there are the tides in between.
Now well my relationship with my cycles is this poem…
Crimson Moon Tide
by Isabelle Desmarais
When Moon rises red
I bleed
A crimson tide flows
Inspiring my inner scope of dreams
Careening, ravening, pulsing
All the way to Earth
All ways back to Earth
Great mother
Ancient flow
Celebrating life
Celebrating all
An ancient dance twists inside of me
Cramping, throbbing, swelling
A wave of pain upon my inner shores
I breathe
Knowing this is a Life Flow
Blood Deity
An old friend greeting me
And I fall into a sacred dream
Surrounded by my flowing tide
When Moon sets red
Seven Suns from now
My crimson tide ebbs
Birthing, creating, inspiring
A new life cycle of truth, beauty, freedom, and love
Isabelle, thank you. This poem moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing. What a blessing to move through this transformation. ❤
Thank you for sharing your Crimson Moon Tide with us, Isabelle!
This was so inspiring, Nina! I always hated my period. It was super heavy, very crampy and 2-3 weeks a month of total misery. When I was 35, I had precancerous cells and had to endure a partial hysterectomy. I will tell you…I felt as if I had been freed from the prison of my own body. I felt I could finally know how the “other half” lived. No small victory, I went out and bought a pair of white pants. (I had never had been able to wear white due to the “SURPRISE” visit/nature of my period. Never consistent or predictable…which was maddening.)
Now, I have come to love and appreciate the cycles of Sister Moon, and I have learned to hear my body when she wants to pull in during the New Moon and when she wants to flow with ease during the Full Moon.
I am grateful for those of you who are younger learning how to cooperate with your bodies and your flow…as a Crone I am well on the other side of menopause and feel I am truly living my best life living cyclically in the Wild Divine Feminine and tune with our beautiful Sister Moon.
You and inspiring, Paula! I am still in my Mother phase, but I hope to move into my cronedome with as much grace as you. Thank you for sharing ❤
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Paula. Much love to you.