Gregoria Guerrero, mother of eight, matriarch supreme, mother of my mother, has left this world, and is on to her next, well-earned, adventure.
In all the years I knew her, I never saw her be impatient or heard her say an unkind word.
She was a gentle soul who seemed to have an endless stream of love to offer others. So many creatures were blessed to stand in the stream of her sweetness and care: her family of origin, her husband, her children, her grandchildren, her great grandchildren, her cats, dogs, and her chickens.

She and my Grandfather, Gabino, ran away at 17 were together nearly everyday for 66 years. He left this Earth on July 24th, 2021, after hanging on through illness longer than anyone could have predicted, because he had the will of a thousand Suns and he did not want to leave her. Who would?

When I close my eyes, I can see them now, dancing on the other side. And boy, could they dance! At weddings and quinceañeras, we kids would watch them in awe, as they floated across the dance floor. He lead clearly and without hesitation, while she flowed around him adding beauty, colorful style, and finesse. It was a sight to behold! And now, when I get real quiet, I can almost hear their feet moving in circles across the sky.

My grandmother was the first to ever give me a healing, a limpia. As a girl, I remember laying on a bed in her guest room, as grandma whispered prayers over my whole body with an egg in hand. She did this for anyone who wanted it & there were many of us. To receive this blessing from her was something I treasured even though I didn’t understand what it was. It felt like being bathed in love, her love. I was so grateful to have that special time with her, a rare moment in a large family that was just between the two of us, and infused with her connection to her God, or what I would call Spirit. It’s was extremely powerful, in a very very gentle way.

Those healings are among my favorite and most impactful childhood memories. Her older sister Rebecca was a healer, and sometimes when Grandma would watch my videos, she said I reminded her of Becky. That meant the world to me, as I know the special place Becky held and holds in my mother’s heart and childhood memories. I just know they are sharing stories and laughing together in the cosmos somewhere, like only sisters can. And I bet Aunt Becky is showing her around, as all great big sisters do.

To look into my Grandmother’s eyes, was to look into my mother’s eyes and vice versa. Her six beautiful and spirited daughters each embody pieces of Grandma, her spirit and her looks. It has been said that my mother most closely resembles her. Her deep set dark brown eyes, fair skin, strong cheek bones, a serious regal resting face, and a bright, child-like smile. In the precious years I have left with my mother, I know I will look into her eyes and see my Grandmother standing behind her in the invisible realm, with those healing hands pressed gently on my mother’s back as she steps into eldership, a grandmother now, and matriarch in a family of her own. I will remind my mother, that Grandma lives in her and each time she looks in the mirror she can see her.

A testament to the Mother she was, is the awe-inspiring care her children gave her in her final years. I am ever grateful to my Aunts especially, who selflessly, cared for Grandma day in and day out. Each sibling offering what they could in the way of help. This is what it is to act on your love. This is what it means to be family.

Though time has felt, often illusory, or elastic, I can feel it’s reality on my body and the bodies of those I love. With every new sprouting of gray hair, or new wrinkle, or ache, this temporary home, my body, reminds me to be like Grandma and make good use of the little time I’ve got and to treasure above all treasures, the love in my life.

My grandmother, born in 1938, was very much of the silent generation. A generation worth looking to for guidance on navigating changing and challenging times. She witnessed so much change in the world over the course of her life, and evolved with it. She overcame more adversity than I ever have, without complaint. A Mexican woman from a working class family in the time she came up, in segregated Texas. It never would have occurred to her that she was entitled to anything. But that didn’t stop her from leading a beautiful, creative, meaningful life – not at all. She made her life with her own hands. She sewed dresses for her daughters out of flour sacks. She kept a homestead, raising chickens and tending her their land. Her tamales were legendary and she always had a at least smile to offer others. She brought eight lives into this world through her tiny body (she wasn’t even 5 feet tall). She had to bear the weight of burying one of her sons, dear Raul, at his young age of 29, when she was only 50 years old.
Her inner strength came so natural to her, she didn’t have to posture or to act tough to show it. She was it. Only the bravest of Souls could love so generously, with such constancy. Only the most resilient could walk with her head up high in the face of grief and loss.
For as long as she could, Grandma got up each morning, did her hair, put on her jewelry, and make up and made something of her days.
Thank you, Grandma, for being the Moon to Grandpa’s Sun. Your presence on this Earth will be dearly missed, but your light on the other side is felt.
When I see butterflies, mariposas, I will think of you soaring through the heavens, unburdened by Earthly things, your heart light, light as it ever was.
In the comments below, if you are so called, you are welcome to offer blessings, reflections, or warm words for this beautiful Soul. I would love to read them.

On the Horizon

“If you ever needed confirmation that a true sisterhood experience could exist with generosity, inclusivity, rawness, inspiration, and pulsating fun, Wild Woman Fest is it. The culture is magnetic and welcomes each woman as they are.” ~ Rosa C.

Wild Woman Fest returns…

Join us for the 9th Annual Wild Woman Fest August 14-17th, 2025

All on a beautiful & sacred land in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Asheville North Carolina.

TICKETS GO ON SALE 4/4/25 at 12pm ET

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Join us online, from anywhere, for 7 life-changing weeks beginning May 5th.
Part part skill-building, part wildish personal-development, this course is sure to give you a deeper look into the Wild Woman Archetype, Moon Wisdom, Intuition and Inner Guidance, Circle Facilitation, and community building. With hundreds of graduates in 26 countries around the world, this course has been cultivated over 14 years to be our very best in Feminine Leadership Training.

"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate

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Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on March 28th.

Online, from anywhere.

Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.

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