The Solstice is just over the horizon.
Can you sense it?
New seasons offer new treasures, new dreams, new surprises and we are about to dive into a new one.
How can we make the most of it? How can we savor every bite? How can we receive the lessons of the seasons with willingness and grace?
For the last 16 months, I, alongside 55 other women have had the great pleasure of getting together for Circle or a class or a workshop or a meditation adventure – every single week. (Can you imagine ~ Circle every week?!)
This being in regular spiritual practice with other wild women was a dream I had been holding for roughly 3 years before I launched
Wild Woman Underground in February 2023. I could not be more grateful for the space because it keeps me steeped in the visceral support of sisterhood, in constant touch with inner guidance, and always learning from the profound wisdom that comes from around the Circle.
Speaking of which: In one of our recent Wild Woman Underground sessions, our guest facilitator, Danielle Dulsky, posed the question to the Circle: What are you always doing in Summer?
For instance, perhaps, you are always changing jobs, or moving. Or maybe you are always falling in love (or deeper in love). Maybe you are always adventuring or cocooning, etc. You get the idea.
At the threshold of Summer, with Solstice arriving next week, I lay this recycled question at your feet:
What are you always doing in Summer?
There is something powerful about becoming aware of our own patterns and the patterns that unfold around up.
I really pondered this, both in the session and in the days and weeks that followed. What am I always doing in Summer?
For me the answer to this question is: I am always taking bold action in the direction of my dreams. Emphasis on bold. For 7 years, Wild Woman Fest has been built into my annual Summer always doing – so I know I have that. AND I notice that as the days are longer and longer both my clarity about what my dreams are AND my energy + willingness to take action are E X P A N S I V E.
Prior to being asked this question a few weeks ago, I did not realize this!
There is a pattern that stretches back at least 13 years to the very beginning of The Wild Woman Project. In Summer of 2011 the amount of bold action I took to make the first rendition of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training that Fall, throw a fundraiser, learn to build a website, create the mission statement (and on and on and on and on) in order to officially launch The Wild Woman Project on January 1st, 2012…well it’s mind-bending to remember. The days were filled with tons of things I had never done, every action was a bold one.
Fast forward to 2024 – without even realizing it, I’m at it again!
Things are happening behind the scenes that no one will see for months because I’m over here at the dawn of Summer doing what I always do in Summer: taking bold action in the direction of my dreams – with clarity and enthusiasm.
(And, BTW, those of you who know me well know this: 9 out 10 of my dreams have to do with you, my wild women, who I love to adventure with & serve!)
Now that I am aware of this Summer pattern, I notice something crucial: I feel a sense of great radiance & power as I do this thing I always do.
Now I also know to be conscious to take extra good care of my body at this time to support myself this season.
Just being aware has unlocked some new magic.
Thus is the power of a great question. (Thank you, Danielle.)
What are you always doing in Summer?
Please write in the comments here and certainly in your journal and expand on it for yourself. Look back over the last decade or so, longer if you like.
Is there something you are always doing in Summer? What is it?
Write it down, draw an image to go with. Place an object on your altar or a special shelf to remind you this Summer.
Stay aware as the sweaty long days go by: What changes as you walk with awareness of your own Summer always?