She Decided
A Super-No-Pressure, Invitation to You:
On the Horizon
“If you ever needed confirmation that a true sisterhood experience could exist with generosity, inclusivity, rawness, inspiration, and pulsating fun, Wild Woman Fest is it. The culture is magnetic and welcomes each woman as they are.” ~ Rosa C.
Wild Woman Fest returns…
Join us for the 9th Annual Wild Woman Fest August 14-17th, 2025
All on a beautiful & sacred land in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Asheville North Carolina.
TICKETS GO ON SALE 4/4/25 at 12pm ET
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on March 28th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the organizer & facilitator of the beloved annual WILD WOMAN FEST, a women’s retreat-festival hybrid which fosters a deep connection to nature, a direct experience of the divine feminine & profound spiritual sisterhood among the women in attendance.
An ever student of the great mysteries of existence and nature itself, Chris believes women are holding innate gifts & tools that society at large needs – now more than ever. She is committed to helping women remember their special magic and to bring it forward into every corner of their lives, for the greater good of the planet.
You are an inspiration to us all!!! For your leadership, your bravery, and your faith in the mystery. Many birthday blessings to you!!!
I didn’t open the email with this poem in it until today 4/26. It was perfect timing with the 26th being Poem In Your Pocket Day. It’s funny how things work out.
Very funny!
💕 Thank you, dear Tanya 💕
Hi Chris,
I love your poem, She Decided. Thanks for being strong enough to be YOU! Happy birthday blessings!
Happy Birthday Chris! May you flow forth in all your beauty, mystery, and shining light!
I am fairly new to WWP. Introduced to WWP about a year ago and really took it in only after signing up to train as a facilitator. Graduating from the fall 2017 training, I KNEW I had been called forth. I have now held two New Moon Circles and feel the loving kindness and great excitement of being a new mother…at 60!!! I spend as much time preparing for my Circles as I did when my now grown children were infants! My Universe has expanded so much that I often must pause, take deep breaths to allow all the real Beauty within and without to be felt and expressed! It is somewhat of a grand homecoming!
💕 Thank you, dear Karen 💕
Celebrating your New Circle too!
Happiest of birthdays beautiful precious wild women 🎂
Wishing many blessings 🙏
Sending much love and admiration ❤️
💕 Thank you, dear Laura 💕
Happy Birthday! Sending wonderful thought and vibes your way!
I am very new to WWP (as in maybe two or three weeks) but I am so excited to be a part of this community. Though I do live in a decent-sized metro I haven’t found too many people that vibe with the Wild Woman energy. Even my creative, wild friends start looking at me like I’m crazy when I start talking about connecting to the wild, the wonderful moon energy, the natural parts of ourselves. I’m so excited to be a part of a community that resonates with the wild woman energy and allow all women to feel that reverberate through this space. I can already tell that I’m going to get addicted to the moon cycle videos, articles with WW perspective, and having a tribe that gets my vibe <3
💕 Thank you, dear Moriah 💕 Welcome to the fam xoxo
Happy Birthday to You, Chris! So glad to have met you in DeLand. Love to you and Bennett!
💕 Thank you, dear Mary 💕 IT was such a pleasure to meet you and share some time. Much love from both of us!
Happy Birthday Chris, from one Taurus to another. I hope it’s spectacular! Don’t you find in acknowledging your birthday you honor yourself and the stars— but also the the earth and the season in which you were born? You are a piece of spring’s goodness!
The WWP has reshaped my life. The Universe guided me to the Leadership training and I said yes, it has been one of the things I’m most proud of accomplishing. It changes the way I look from myself and interact with my environment. It has brought so many beautiful souls into my life. It has given me pride & honor in being female and it challenges me to view the world magically as often as I can. My life is different and better because you were born, and because of the team of wonderful women you’ve gathered to raise other women up (I honor myself in that statement). Thank you, Chris. So much more love than you can imagine <3
💕 Thank you, dear Adrianna 💕 Thank you for your kind words & your reflections about the impact of TWWP on your life. You are a treasure to us all. Much Love, C
Hurrah Hooray
Hurrah Hooray
Our beloved Chris was born Today!!!
Love your POEM
Love your DECISION
Love YOU
Thank you so so much, dear Robin!
With gratitude to you, we celebrate for you being here in this world and sharing your gifts. You are wonderful! I love the WW principles, most recently sharing that you and can recognize a strong woman by the way she builds up other women not disparages them. May long the Wild Woman reign! God bless you, sister.
💕 Thank you, dear Kera 💕
The Wild Woman Fest has introduced me to so many amazing Women. The Sisters, Daughters and Mothers of the Wild Woman Project bring me such love and unconditional support. They hold no judgement and only want your happiness. I feel very blessed to be part of such an amazing circle of powerful women. Thank you for creating a space of such a magical community.
Happy Birthday my Baby..
This explanation of intuition really inspired me! You explained it so well and in a way that someone like me who has so much trouble trusting intuition can understand.
Now that I understand it better, I’ve had a lot of success tuning in and really using it for guidance. It was a turning point for me!
Happy birthday Chris! Thank you for the beautiful poem. I am continually amazed at the sense of connection within The Wild Women Project. I feel a great sense of belonging, acceptance and comfort. Thanks again!
The Wild Woman Project has a helped create a deeper sense to the self. It has brought forward how women really are incredible beings!
I have only been involved with the wwp for 9 months, but what it has helped me create for myself, I have been able to share with my community, by helping facilitate new moon circles.
It truly has been a blessing to be a part of this journey with all the amazing women and helping myself and each other grow and find that our wild within is something to embrace and connect with!
I love leading New Moon Circles through the WWP. It aligns me with deeper desires that come from the Heart. Magic happens when women come together in prayer, blessings, and in reflection on their True Selves.
Thank you for this graceful way to allow blessings, courage, gratitude, and peace to flow, Chris! Many blessings to you and your mother for cultivating even greater goodness in your lives and in this world.
Happy beautiful birthday Chris…deep & wild blessings to you! ✨💐✨
Yesterday as I was spending some much needed time to myself you, Chris, popped into my mind. I thought of the time during circle leader training when you were teaching us about astrology and remembered you saying you were a cap moon. That led me to wonder when your birthday was and if I knew. I smiled at the feeling I get when you come to mind. You, and the many other beautiful souls who make the wild woman project what it is, have been a constant source of inspiration for me. You are someone I admire and feel so much warmth for. Every time I watch one of your videos, it typically finishes with me saying out loud to myself “man! I just love her” Your well of wisdoms and the way you share your heart has touched me in ways I just don’t have words for.
It was until today, when I opened my email, that I found out that it was your birthday.
My heart feels blessed to know that I tuned into that deep energy that connects us to all things, and that you are who I tuned into yesterday, on such a perfect day!
May this next spin around the sun be filled with all the things that help your heart feel full ❤️
Much love and gratitude,
Stacee ❤️
Happy birthday Chris!
Enjoy the connectedness, and fulfillment from every single persons contribution to TWWP. Appreciate you following your dreams and passions to unite some many people each month.
Happy Birthday Chris and many Blessings!
You asked how my life has been touched by the Wild Woman Project. For me it is the “weeklyish
offerings”….you help me hang on to my sanity and keep the small bit of wild woman still in my heart and mind alive and nourished. Many thanks and many Blessings to you and to all the Wild Women out there.
Happy birthday and herzlichen Glueckwunsch from Germany!
Love your poem and the messages you spread and share dearest Chris! And even though I am doing my circles a bit different to your suggestions, I love your inspiration and the tools you gave and still give me to be brave enough to hold a wild women circle in my “so far away from spirituality community” 🙂
It is needed!!!
Hello Chris
, and many blessings for happiness on your birthday and the new year it brings.
I,m very new to the WWP, and am looking forward to the leadership training in may.
This is a genuine heart calling for me, and finding the WWP has been a wonderful surprise, women who feel the strange stirrings I do really do exist.
As to your poem, it is beautiful, and I believe like the WWP it can grow, as other women take it to heart and write their own verses.
My verse would be
There once was a woman who,
having learnt to
learnt to
Happy Birthday, Beautiful! Fabulous poem. The Wild Women Circle with Sara Goff is what opened the door to me (and someday would love to meet you as well). I’ve fallen away from it some, but it was there for me in a time when the ground was shifting for me in a big way. Thank-you!
How has the Wild Woman Project touched my life? The answer is worthy of an essay — or at least a few pages in my journal. But to sum it up, the WWP has reconnected me to parts of myself which were disconnected and withering. It has opened my eyes to different, more fully embodied ways of living. It has introduced me to such amazing women, who are living their truths, discovering as they go along, and leading others along the journey. I am forever grateful for you, Chris, you amazing wild woman! I celebrate your birth, with love overflowing.
The WWP has helped me feel like I have a network of powerful women to support me when I need it. To share compassion with others and witness and be witnessed. It has helped me feel like I am worthy as a being. Thank you.
I didn’t open the email with this poem in it until today 4/26. It was perfect timing with the 26th being Poem In Your Pocket Day. It’s funny how things work out.
I accidentally posted this under someone else’s comment, sorry.
I have loved coming together with women on the mountain and within my community to grow and open my heart. To rewrite old paradigms between women and build friendships to build both of us up. Thank you! And Happy Birthday 🙂