“The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.”
-Anais Nin
I, like many writers, artists and creatives, have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about. I simply go within, take a look, and deliver insights of varying interest to you from my own mind house. That’s all.
This process of going in and gathering information from my senses, my impulses, habits, and higher aspirations is a form of soul mining. It’s a process I happen to love because it allows me to be in a constant state of discovery. I believe if we collectively look through this deep inner eye, we begin to uncover the truth, not only of ourselves, but the patterns of the world.
Carl Jung believed the characters, themes, and objects in our dreams represented some part of us. I believe this to apply to our waking lives as well. Meaning every person we encounter (crazy guy on the subway included) reflect a part of us needing to be heard and we must carefully listen & watch our reactions. Therein lies the juice of understanding.
There are mirrors everywhere.
When chaos surfaces in our outer world, we must look to find the chaos within.
When we are repulsed by someone, we must look at how we are like this person.
When we fall in love we must ask, “What part of me is looking to come alive through this person?”
When we hear a song that moves us, we can trust that some part of us is being affirmed through the mere existence of this little ditty.
This line of thinking can be applied to words we hear over and over, people we have strong reactions to, authors we love, family. We can ask, “What inside of me is longing to be heard here?”
If you find yourself falling down the “well, isn’t this a little narcissistic?” rabbit hole, so easy to get lost in when attempting any self work, remember the only thing you can really ever change is you.
The Dalai Lama said, “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
This depth of observing and experience not only gives us self-awareness that is useful for optimizing our effectiveness as a human. It also fills our bellies and hearts up with that hearty and nourishing compassion that peace is made of.
Let’s look deeply here….
WILD Woman Check-in #9:
Who in your life do you most admire? Describe them in detail?
Who in your life do you most judge? Describe them in detail?
Circle all the words from both lists that you recognize as traits of yours.
Be careful, WILD soul, of being too hard on yourself. We must love ourselves as we love our children: Unconditionally- bruises, tantrums, and all.
Here’s to living deeply, with heart and courage and with your eye on the whole wide world.
WILD wild love,
On the Horizon
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the organizer & facilitator of the beloved annual WILD WOMAN FEST, a women’s retreat-festival hybrid which fosters a deep connection to nature, a direct experience of the divine feminine & profound spiritual sisterhood among the women in attendance.
An ever student of the great mysteries of existence and nature itself, Chris believes women are holding innate gifts & tools that society at large needs – now more than ever. She is committed to helping women remember their special magic and to bring it forward into every corner of their lives, for the greater good of the planet.
I am looking both for blogs that give unbiased, balanced commentary on all issues or blogs that have a liberal or left-wing slant. Thank you..
I have asked a question similar to this topic before and was helped out, but now id like to get specific. In the beginning of the movie he (Mark) posts on a blog as he works on the girl rating site, “FaceMash”, and as well as bash his ex girlfriend he updates his progress on creating the site. If anyone can directly quote this part of the movie I would be much obliged. Please and Thank You!.
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