swimming with the mermaids

I spent my 30th birthday last year on a lake. I found myself sprawled out, napping on an 8×10 plank of wood right in the middle of it, glistening in the sun, swaying with the soft dance of the lake. I woke up beside my friends, a purple dragon fly and the teeniest turtle you’ve ever seen. I got up, stretched, rolled off the plank, and swam to the other side of the lake and back again.

I can see the iridescent gills under my skin and feel the mermaid in my bones. She is luminous, she is swift, she moves with the current rather than against it because she knows it gets her where she wants to go faster and with ease. She is comfortable in the space between, confident to accompany two worlds, above and below. She doesn’t question how she’s become the creature she is, for she understands that questioning would diminish her miraculous nature.

My mermaid helps me dare to dream.

She lifts me up, cools me off, and helps me transcend limiting beliefs that keep me small and ordinary. If you’re anything like me, just as soon as a big and beautiful dream comes through, what can often follow is a pesky, critical voice that sounds something like, “Wait, wait, wait, hold on, what do you think you’re doing? How is this gonna work? This doesn’t make sense. Who cares? This is too much, crazy, never gonna happen.  How will you afford this?  What will your parents think…


And here she comes, from below to above, swimming swiftly from my depths she breaks the water’s seal, plunges into the air, gasps for a delicious breath and radiates with the sun! With gravity, she dives back into the water, swimming round and round and round me, enveloping my skin, my soul, my entire being with her luminescence and I am, without question, reminded of the magic, the power of my dreams, and the miraculous beauty of the world if we choose to see it.


I close my eyes and sway to honor her presence. To honor the she in me.

As we align with the current energy of the Waxing Moon and build our Piscean New Moon intentions, I challenge you to connect with your mermaid to keep you afloat and aligned with the power of your dreams. 

You can find her in the water; the water you drink, the water you bathe in, the rainy days. You can find her in the in-between; the moment before you say yes, the moment after you shut the door. You can find her in the connection; the connection between your dream and reality, the thread between your beautiful idea and your to-do list. You can find her welcoming you in your land of dreams; waking, sleeping, conscious or not. 

You can find her in our second monthly HOWL: A Full Moon Call. We will be diving deeper into our theme of this cycle, “Swimming with the Mermaids” alongside the Full Moon in graceful Libra.  HOWL calls the wild women from near and far to tune in, radiate and celebrate together under the power of the moon’s brightest light. We will check in with our dreams and pave the pathway to round out the rest of the cycle with clarity and grace. We hope you will join us (Register here)

Sending you mermaid magic as you dare to dream this cycle. 



On the Horizon

Circle Leader Training
Join us online, from anywhere, for a 7-Week adventure.
“This was the best experience I’ve ever had with an online training! I felt seen, connected, and present.” ~ Gretchen Fellon, Graduate
Part part skill-building, part wildish personal-development, this course is sure to give you a deeper look into the Wild Woman Archetype, Moon Wisdom, Intuition and Inner Guidance, Circle Facilitation, and community building. With hundreds of graduates in 26 countries around the world, this course has been cultivated over 13 years to be our very best in Feminine Leadership Training.
We begin on May 6th.
Wild Woman Underground Logo for the online Wild Woman Project community

Join an international, intergeneration group of weird and wonderful wild-hearted Women in our online Cave (which lives on an app)!

We meet weekly in Circles, Workshops, Practices to keep our wild spirits lit!

Upcoming Weekly Gatherings:  

Waning Moon Circle with Chris Maddox
New Moon Meditation Adventure with Chris Maddox
Story Circle with Danielle Dulsky
5th Chakra Circle with Sara Goff

Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on May 7th!

Online, from anywhere.

Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.

Claim Your Seat!

We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Find a Circle Near You. 

Wild Woman Fest '24 sold out in record time. 
We look forward 4 Days & 3 Nights of rituals & ceremony, yoga, circles, experiential workshops, meditation, music & art making, dance, connecting to the natural world, laughter, discovery, divination, wandering, swimming, hiking, bonfires, howling, and dreaming!