How to be the light

A Mystic looks to the very depths of things to find the sacred. A mystic asks, “What is the deeper meaning here? What am I learning now?”

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are in the midst of the darkest time of year. So, wild woman, what do you make of it?

As we approach this year’s Winter Solstice on December 21st (the darkest day of the year), we may ask deep questions: what the value of darkness in our lives?  Perhaps it is the gift of learning to allow mystery & uncertainty (which are natural parts of life).  Perhaps it is a time, when because of the outer darkness, we are asked to turn our attention inward. Perhaps…

We are facing another dimension of darkness now- societal shadow qualities like injustice, prejudice, bigotry, mass fear – which have been unveiled.
So now, as awakened beings, we are standing in darkness – What will we make of this?

Here is my offering to you (may it be useful):

13 Ways to Thrive in Dark Days (in no particular order)

1. Move Your Body.  Your body is a highly intelligent (and sensitive) creature. When you read a news article, your body responds. When you have an interaction at the post office, your body responds. Your body is in constant subtle communication with the world around you. Practices like hiking, yoga, dance, running, etc. – those things that make you breathe and sweat are ways of washing out the impressions you absorb & returning to a purity of being (which many experience as a high or bliss state). As Gabrielle Roth (of 5Rythms fame) taught: Sweat your prayers.
2. Laugh. On the deepest level, your laughter at this time is joy medicine (for you and the world). The vibration of your laughter is the stuff of light. (evidence here). So, laugh, dear one any chance you can.
3. Abandon Your Powerlessness. Your overwhelm at this time is understandable & human. It may help if you could remember that it is not your job to save the entire world, but it is your sacred mission to love those things & beings that you are in direct contact with. Our ability to change the little bit of world that surrounds us is very real. Any time you are anywhere, your presence has an impact – that impact is POWERFUL.
4. Believe in Miracles & Magic. A dear WILD WOMAN FEST sister/teacher/friend, Robin Rose Bennett, reminded us all last year, “The good news is: reality is malleable.” What would happen if we behaved like that was true?
5. Pray. There is no right way to do this (and no wrong way, either). You could start by consciously connecting to that which you consider to be sacred or divine. Then speak from the heart (internally or out loud) like you would a dear friend. You might ask for help with something or guidance about-literally-anything. Then listen. Try with eyes closed or even writing with pen and paper.
6. Reach out to other human beings you love and trust. We humans crave intimacy. Pick up the phone and call the people you love and trust. Have a conversation about how you are both feeling. Feel the light flood back into your heart.
7. Trace the discomfort/anger/upset to the root. So you are upset because of something your Facebook Friend posted. Lay down your sword for a moment. Try your best to look deeply at A. their perspective & B. your reaction to it. What is at the very root? What you find may surprise you.
8. Go Outside! I know it is cold out there right now. Put on your coat and hat and walk outside. Feel the enormous earth at your feet & the whisper of the wind on your cheeks. Look closely at the trees. The livingness of the earth is an ever-teacher for the wild woman and you, my dear, are just that.
9. Remember: your attention is sacred. What you focus on receives the power of your life force. You have a choice of what you do (AND DO NOT) focus on. We need the potency of your light, so please shine your attention on those places/things/causes/beings you want to give your energy to. You may ask yourself, in any moment: is this the best use of my attention?
10. Make space to feel your feelings. Being the light is not about repression. On the most practical level – make space to allow your feelings to flow. For instance, say to yourself, “Tonight when I get home, I am going to shut my bedroom door, close my eyes and see what feelings are there.” Our deepest emotions have magic in them. If you actually allow your feelings to flow in their fullness, a foundational shift will occur. It is when we say “no” to our emotions that that they seem to endlessly knock at our door. Make. Space.
11. Befriend yourself. Often in dark times we feel isolated. That doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing. As the spiritual teacher & prolific author, Wayne W. Dyer wrote, ”You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” So, dear one, see if you can enjoy your own company by doing your favorite things, listening to your favorite music & generally, aiming to enjoy your own company.
12. Take inspired action. When your inner guidance tells you to do something – do it. The more you do, the more powerful your marching orders become. Each and every time you follow your own inner guidance, you are saying to the great creative intelligence of the universe: I AM LISTENING, I AM HERE, USE ME. The more this one is integrated, the brighter your inner light becomes & the more potent your impact on the world.
13. Prioritize pleasure and play. I know this may seem counter-intuitive in such high stakes times – but I beg to differ. Play is a remembrance of the child that lives within (who holds wisdom beyond logic) & pleasure is the medicine of the feminine. When you dance, when you listen to music, when you make love, when you do the things that light you up – you are an embodiment of freedom. Write these words of Albert Camus’ on your heart: The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

On the Horizon

“If you ever needed confirmation that a true sisterhood experience could exist with generosity, inclusivity, rawness, inspiration, and pulsating fun, Wild Woman Fest is it. The culture is magnetic and welcomes each woman as they are.” ~ Rosa C.

Wild Woman Fest returns…

Join us for the 9th Annual Wild Woman Fest August 14-17th, 2025

All on a beautiful & sacred land in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Asheville North Carolina.

TICKETS GO ON SALE 4/4/25 at 12pm ET

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Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

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