Allison Mitch – Naperville, IL
Located approximately 30 miles west of Chicago, Allison is a physical therapist and healing arts practitioner (yogini, reiki master, shamanic practitioner, sexuality counselor) with additional training in herbalism, ecology (MS), and permaculture – an eclectic professional and personal mix that birthed her own WILD woman through the recognition of the connection and depth with all of life. In her circles, she seeks to create a sacred and inviting, “come as you are” space for self-reflection, meditation, healing, and reconnection with nature for the return of soulfulness, or “re-wilding”. What makes Allison’s circles unique are 1) her ability to adapt circle to a variety of individual’s needs and abilities and 2) the influence and emphasis of permaculture principles and wild-crafting skills within each circle. At this time, Allison identifies as gender fluid and their circles are gender diversity inclusive, open to all who identify as female, trans, and/or nonbinary. If you have specific adaptive needs to attend circle, virtual or in-person, please reach out to Allison so that she can work to create a space that is fitting to your needs and welcoming. Please join Allison for her monthly new moon circles to experience increased self-awareness, inspiration, and community.
email address: ignitewellbeing.naperville@gmail.com
webpage: Ignite Well-Being (ignitewell-being.com)