by Chris Maddox | Jun 12, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, Constant in her changing, the Moon is New again today. Do you feel it? Sense it? In this Moon Cycle, June 13 – July 11th, here at The Wild Woman Project, we will turn our attention to the dance of our breath, fueling us, moving us...
by Chris Maddox | May 22, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
I recently stood in the presence of Ani DiFranco. On stage, with her guitar, her wily grin, and her voice, she filled the outdoor space. Though I have never been a member of the die-hard Ani fanclub, I have loved some of her songs & admired her...
by Chris Maddox | May 11, 2018 | Herbs, WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, The New Moon in on the horizon! It arrives next Tuesday, May 15th, in the astrological sign of Taurus. I am writing a little early because many of our Wild Woman Project Circles are happening this weekend & want you to feel prepared...
by Chris Maddox | May 2, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
As the Moon Wanes, she offers herself to us as inspiration to let go. She’s asks: what is dying now? With world events making it clear that the Patriarchy is being challenged both by its inherently flawed design and by those brave souls who dare to...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 20, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
Foreward I have a poem for you today – which happens to be my birthday. I used to get awkward about my birthday, batting away any attention it brought my way. It’s funny though, as I have come to love the process of life (with all its many flavors and faces), to...