by Chris Maddox | May 1, 2017 | WILD WOMAN
On the day of the New Moon in Taurus (April 26), with our theme of Pleasure in my heart, I wandered into a magical bookstore here in Asheville & found this book sitting on a Beltane-themed display. The radiant orange of the color drew me in & I traced...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 25, 2017 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, The Moon is New today, ushering in a new cycle, a new chapter of our lives. New Moons are a time for deep breath & tuning inward. This particular New Moon, inspired by the astrological archetype of Taurus, we are evoking the quality, experience...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 22, 2017 | Creative Fire, WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, Happy Earth Day! I hope you find sometime to connect with the natural world today. In these last few days of the Moon Cycle, which began in March 26th and ends on April 25th, we invite you to digest with these 7 questions. We evoked an exploration of Power...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 18, 2017 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, I’ve been in a really deep space contemplating the 4th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST. The Facilitators are crafting their offerings, the Mountain is being prepared for our arrival this Summer, the planning of the details & experience is in full force....
by Chris Maddox | Apr 17, 2017 | Creative Fire, WILD WOMAN
1 . Maya Angelou’s entire body of work tells the story of a woman who had every reason to be beaten down by the circumstances of her life, and yet she grew to be one of the brightest literary flames of the last century. With her sun in Aries, Maya Angelou...