by Chris Maddox | Apr 10, 2017 | Creative Fire, Heart-Centered Leadership, WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, The Moon is full, marking the midway point of the Current Moon Cycle (March 27th- April 25th) where we have been exploring Power. (Check out the New Moon talk here, if you missed it) The Full Moon is a puuurrrfect time to check in with your intentions, to...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 26, 2017 | Creative Fire, WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, I must admit: I am a sucker for new beginnings. And Today marks: The 1st New Moon of the Astrological Calendar The 1st New Moon of the Spring This time is essentially Nature’s New Year! Yowsa! In this first Moon Cycle of Spring, here at The Wild Woman...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 23, 2017 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, We find ourselves in the last days of the Moon Cycle (Feb. 26th-March 26th). Initiating with the New Moon in Pisces, we’ve been exploring the depth and dimension of Devotion, a signature mystic quality. To live in Devotion is to live from the very...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 20, 2017 | WILD WOMAN
About the Wild Woman Initiation Series The Wild Woman Project came to me in a flash, a vision & it wouldn’t let me go. So, I listened. The Wild Woman archetype has been initiating me ever since. Through various experiences, which have mostly been about untangling...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 11, 2017 | Creative Fire, WILD WOMAN
Dear One, The FULL MOON is here – can I get a HOWWWLLL?!?!? At this Midpoint in the Current Moon Cycle, we can revisit, remember our New Moon question: WHAT ARE YOU FOR? What do I stand for? What do I devote my energy, time, resources to? What am I for? The aim...