by Chris Maddox | May 12, 2014 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
IN THIS ISSUE: Note from Chris Moon Watch Announcements Wild Woman Reads Wild Woman Celebration Coming Up Quote of the Week Say Hi NOTE FROM CHRIS Hello Gorgeous Soul, How’s this cycle going for you? Anything blossoming, within or out? Here at The WILD...
by Chris Maddox | May 6, 2014 | Reclaiming Sisterhood, WILD WOMAN
Our Mother’s are the passageway into this earthly life. We are shaped by who they are & how we relate to them. I’ve made this little Mother’s Day Inspired Quiz for you as a way to honor your momma & perhaps shower her in some Public Affection, wherever she is...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 26, 2014 | Heart-Centered Leadership, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
The New Moon arrives next Monday, April 28th and brings with her the opportunity to begin again. In circle each month we gather with our community around a theme, an idea sprung from the Astrological placement on the New Moon. This New Moon in Taurus we will focus on...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 26, 2014 | Herbs, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
The New Moon in Taurus is the time to Bloom yourself awake. Let the flowers lift you to the realm of ultimate aliveness. When we call upon the plants for healing, they bless us with the gift of ourselves and blossom us into our full potential. They teach us to listen...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 11, 2014 | Creative Fire, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
The Moon is the mover of the tides and the mother of the inner depths. As we attune to the dance of Moon, we begin to have a connection to the depths within: the unconscious, our deepest desires~who long to be born into the world. The Last New Moon (in Aries) arrived...