by Chris Maddox | Nov 26, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
It’s right about this time of year that I begin to feel a collective shift toward forward thinking. What will the New Year bring? We start asking ourselves: How do I want to move my life forward? How do I want to BE in the New Year? It is a time for diving inward,...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 20, 2013 | Heart-Centered Leadership, WILD WOMAN
photo via lustrous smile Many moons ago, a teacher of mine advised me on the art of choosing a healer/teacher/coach to work with: Always go with the one that is Heart-Centered-this means his/her motives are clean and loving. This rang true for me then and the more I...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 12, 2013 | Heart-Centered Leadership, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
I wonder what shifts would occur, if we all committed to making sacred spaces wherever we go. What would happen if we held sacred the rooms we share, the earth we walk upon and the places we sit? My guess: We may accidentally be more loving. We may see more clearly....
by Chris Maddox | Nov 1, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
The New Moon will arrive on November 3rd in the passionate and transformative sign of Scorpio. Translation: This New Moon means two things: 1. It’s Circle Time! & 2. This new moon is likely to cause a significant change in our lives. If you’d like to...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 1, 2013 | Herbs, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
The Descent to ♇ The New Moon in Scorpio is a time of radical transformation. Unfurl in the underworld and harvest the Plutonian roots that grow deep within the rich soil of your subconscious mind. Resurrect from your slumber and feast on the yield of the ethereal...