by Chris Maddox | Jul 6, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” -The Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness I have been paying more attention to the news lately than I usually do. And sometimes I feel completely heartbroken by what I see and...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 29, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
Last week I asked you, what would you like me to write/teach about and one member or our daring tribe asked: How can a learn to trust my inner voice? Here’s my big secret: “Trust yourself” is the only thing I really teach. Everything you will every learn...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 23, 2013 | Heart-Centered Leadership, WILD WOMAN
In the name of Curiosity, I ask you these 3 questions: You are welcome to answer all or some of them. None is always an option but I’m leaning toward some;) (Let answering be a practice in vulnerability.) 1. What are you struggling with in your day-to-day life? 2....
by Chris Maddox | Jun 23, 2013 | Herbs, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
The Mind Stood Still and the Flowers Swallowed You Whole The New Moon in Gemini is the time to be curious. Let your mental clock unwind into the communication underground. Play hide and go seek in the Mercurial world and vibe to the tone of the unknown. Resonate to...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 15, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
This is my cat, Otis: Otis is not really meant to be a cat. He’d be better suited as a Unicorn or a Flying dragon…or in the body of Falkor from Neverending Story. He is meant to be having epic adventures, being brave, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He is the kind of...