by Chris Maddox | May 5, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
Last Month we leapt into action, embracing courage, as we Played Our Edge. As we walk forward on our paths, the Taurus New Moon asks us to enjoy, relish, and savor in every step on the way. As we play our edge and evolve, how can we fall in love with the process?...
by Chris Maddox | May 5, 2013 | Herbs, Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
Make LOVEto your Earth The New Moon in Taurus is the time to savor this moment. Let the artistry of this planet consume you. Kiss your naked feet to the ground and feel the earth alive under your feet. Inhale through every pore of your skin and exhale into the...
by Chris Maddox | May 4, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
May Astrological Asana “What does a hen have to do to ensure the birth of her chicks? Just four things: relax, breathe, feel the earth beneath her, and then do nothing extra.” ~The Healing Art of Tai-Chi” by Martin Lee and Joyce Lee The month of...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 28, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
Playing Your Edge is a practice of constantly stepping beyond limitation into your highest potential. This month, I have taken this practice on fully, daily and in every cell of my body. The results have been stunning. First of all, it seems that what is possible in a...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 14, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
Have you ever had a goal that you thought, “When I do/get/achieve X, I will be happy/confident/fulfilled?” Then you do/get/achieve it and maybe you are high for a second, but within a couple of days, nada? Guurrlll, you are not alone. This month we are focusing...