by Chris Maddox | Apr 7, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
via: Rose on Pinterest Last month our focus was the practice of self-love. The nourishment that comes when you treat yourself with the love and respect you would a dear friend, is like fuel in your tank. It gives you the inner strength to go out into the world and do...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 6, 2013 | Lunar Wisdom, WILD WOMAN
April 2013 Astrological Asana The week before last I did something I hadn’t done in about 2 years; I enjoyed 4 days of vacation where I did not work, did no school work, and simply engaged in leisurely activities. Writing about it seems gluttonous, as I tend to...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 6, 2013 | Herbs, WILD WOMAN
The New Moon in Aries is the time to play your edge. Let these flames throw you to the front line. Deploy your warrior to battle and charge forth out of the familiar lands you frequent. Discover the life that lives just outside your reach. Ready to push yourself...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 31, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
I don’t know about you, but this month’s theme, The Audacity of Self-Love, has brought up a lot. In reflecting, I have taken the time to see the places in my life where I have really truly cultivated the practice and I’ve also seen where there is still more love to...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 24, 2013 | Heart-Centered Leadership, WILD WOMAN, Wildness
(photo via Ruth on Pinterest) Self-love is a practice in allowing yourself to be you, all the time. As with any practice it gets easier, then another layer of challenge is rolled back and it gets harder again, and then easier. That cycle goes round and round many...