by Chris Maddox | Feb 24, 2013 | WILD WOMAN, Wildness
“You don’t need a weatherman. To know which way the wind blows.” -Bob Dylan Being civilized is the human equivalent of being domesticated, in animals. Civilized humans and domesticated animals assume they are safe. Some might say, they take their safety for...
by Chris Maddox | Feb 13, 2013 | Reclaiming Sisterhood, WILD WOMAN
I was born an American woman. That fact informs my perspective in this lifetime. I learned as a little girl that American Women have twice helped lead the way to the correction of massive injustice at home that then trickled out to influence the world. First, the...
by Chris Maddox | Feb 6, 2013 | WILD WOMAN
It is near time. This Sunday brings our New Moon in Humanitarian Aquarius. This energy asks us to look beyond the “I, Me, Mine” Mentality and ask ourselves the bold question: “how can I make a meaningful contribution to my brothers and sisters on the...
by Chris Maddox | Feb 6, 2013 | Herbs, WILD WOMAN
Revolutionary Winds The New Moon in Aquarius whispers songs of service into our ears. Ride the winds of Uranus and let this new moon take you. Surrender to this zephyr and let the hum of spontaneity guide you to give. It is the time to sacrifice our routine to the...
by Chris Maddox | Feb 6, 2013 | WILD WOMAN
“Living in Service” Aquarius New Moon
Element: Air
Ruled by Uranus
Associated Body Parts: Knees, Shins, Ankles, Backbone, Calves, Circulation of Blood Rules Matters concerning Inventions, Freedom, Friendships, Humanity, Leadership, Progress, Revolution, Social...