by Chris Maddox | Jan 30, 2013 | Heart-Centered Leadership, Reclaiming Sisterhood, WILD WOMAN
This past Saturday brought the full moon. After a very peaceful week of huge spiritual openings and milestones, I found another flavor of expression bubbling to the surface. I was angry. Aaaannnndddd pretty weepy, truth be told. What I wouldn’t have given for a padded...
by Chris Maddox | Jan 23, 2013 | Reclaiming Sisterhood, WILD WOMAN
Bring to mind a child or animal you love dearly. Imagine them showing up at your front door with a broken arm and instead of caring for them you quickly pull them into your house so no one else sees that they are hurt. Once inside you can’t bear to look at them or...
by Chris Maddox | Jan 16, 2013 | WILD WOMAN
Want to do more of your good work in the world? Want to increase the quality of that work? Want to feel useful and energized? Me too. Always. Here are 3 things that have become essential to my life and work here on the planet. They have helped feel connected, engaged,...
by Chris Maddox | Jan 9, 2013 | WILD WOMAN
The New Moon brings with it time to re-connect with ourselves, time to go deep. When we do this reflection and intention setting, we live the rest of our month rooted in this soulful place. And here at The WILD Woman Project we offer circles in person and on the...
by Chris Maddox | Jan 9, 2013 | Herbs, WILD WOMAN
Steep in Structure The New Moon in Capricorn consigns us to soulful structure. It is the time to transmute the Saturnian struggle into a guiding foundation that supports and aligns us with our true fate. Instead of wallowing in the Saturnian mud, we can utilize this...