by Chris Maddox | Dec 4, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
I sit here on Tuesday afternoon still elated and inspired from the Celebration-Fundraising-Soulful extravaganza that we (You + us) co-created. From the great conversation, to the play, paint, readings, winnings, drinkings, it was elevating to be amongst you. Here is...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 28, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
When I sit down to write to you each week, I always ask myself the following: “What is alive in me today?” And it is from that precise place of curiosity and buzzy inspiration that I start. Sometimes I’m feeling a sense of nagging competition(as us humans do from time...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 24, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
Okay You Infinite & WILD Being, One of my best friends says that if he could give one piece of advice to his children it would be: ALWAYS GO TO THE PARTY. I couldn’t agree more. There is exactly 1 week until The WILD Woman Project gets down in NYC. Here are my top...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 21, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
Our lives are a series of choices we make. What gets the most air play in our minds are the big choices. Where to go to college, what career to choose, who to marry, where to live, etc. However, what we tend to remember looking back are the little moments: that...
by Chris Maddox | Nov 14, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
It is with great love that I say ssssshhhhhhhhh…. Will you repeat this with me 3 times? Shhhhhhh…shhhhhh…shhhhh… Turn off your radio, tv, shut off your phone, close your other browsers …(I’ll wait)… and shhhhhh… Find a quiet spot and shhhhhh… Listen to your...