5 Must Have Health Books for WILD Woman’s Shelf

5 Must Have Health Books for WILD Woman’s Shelf

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”- Jorge Luis Borges  Last week we talked about defining what health means to you. You know, not putting your fate in the hands of others, trusting your internal guide. This week I share 5 books by 5...

New Moon in Virgo: “The Habit of Health”

New Moon in Virgo Element: Earth Ruled by Mercury and Chiron Associated Body Parts: Intestines, Bowels, Abdomen, Stomach Rules Matters concerning Health, Routine, Work, Pets, Details, Understanding, Analyzing, Virtue, Seeds  This month’s New Moon is ruled by the sign...

Moving Through Jealousy for Your Own Good.

Today I’m going to talk to you about something I really don’t like talking about. And I don’t think you do either. We all feel it, but as conscious-loving-mature adults, we REEAALLYYY don’t want to. Jealousy, ya’ll. Yup I said it. Good ole stinky human jealousy....

Check your ego at the door.

I have this little ego check I do, when it starts getting a little noisy in my head. The ego is that sometimes pesky, other times devastating voice of fear. Sometimes it sounds like a harshly sardonic movie critic casually ripping you to shreds, other times it sounds...