A Dare that could change your life

Truth: You are not living up to your definition of perfection. Sometimes you eat too much and talk way too loud. Other times you forget important dates and miss big opportunities. You feel overwhelmed and want to quit a few times a week. On occasion, you talk behind...

New Moon in Gemini Report

Gemini New Moon: “Know Thy Duality” Element: Air Ruling Planet: Mercury Associated Body Parts: Arms, Lungs Rules: Communication, Short Travel, Siblings, Neighborhoods, Schools, Learning What does it mean for something to be good?  What does it mean for something to be...

Got 7 Minutes to Change the World?

“The more (wo)man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his(/her) world and the world at large.” -Confucius This is the WILD Heart Meditation lead by WILD Woman Creator, Chris Maddox. We do it at the end of every WILD Woman Circle and now I...

The Practice of Pleasure

I want to talk to you about something I take VERY seriously. For many, this issue can bring up feelings of shame, guilt, self-judgment & unworthiness. I have seen the extremes of this matter make and break my own health and happiness as well as that of my...