Erika Dougherty – Harrisburg, PA

Erika’s zodiac sign is Cancer; she emulates the qualities of a true Cancer– very protective and nurturing. She loves her son and two dogs, has a passion for the moon and enjoys connecting with nature. She is a Navy Veteran with years of volunteer time between youth sports and community organizations.  
After a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, Erika built a strong foundation in meditation. This led her to explore the many facets of mindfulness and holistic wellness. Once she could better process the sensations in her body, she dove deeper into therapy. She found the courage to join her first women’s retreat, which sparked inspiration and courage beyond measure.
She has explored the benefits of Neurofeedback, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki, EFT Tapping, Grief Yoga, massage, forest bathing, Ayurveda, Naturopathic medicine and healing, a variety of women’s circles and of course, many types of meditation. 
She tuned in to her inner guidance and began to embrace genuine self-love. She is now wholeheartedly gentle, patient, and forgiving with herself, guiding her to be all those things to the people around her.  
While she sometimes enjoys being a lone wolf, thriving in peace and solitude, the new “normal” of working from home and being isolated made her realize how crucial it is to maintain connections. 
Erika guides like-hearted women to pause and take time out for themselves. She encourages women to connect and share, shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart, in a safe space that will nourish the soul. She believes tapping into our feminine power and wisdom will bring about more love and compassion in the world.
You can reach out to and find her private group, Sisters In Circle on Facebook at