Kat Gal – Milwaukee, WI & Telecircles

I am Kat, the multi-passionate wild woman behind The Safe Nook. Though I am not a fan of labels and putting myself into boxes, I am also happy to identify as a world traveler, runner, writer, bookworm, cat-person, Earthling, Soulrocker, Dudeist, Twin Peaks-fan, introvert, and a Gemini. These words feel true to my heart at the present moment. Being vulnerable, authentic, and honest is my natural way of being since childhood. I wish to live in a world where such vulnerable, authentic honestly, feeling and expressing our emotions, and exploring our true selves is absolutely safe and fully desired. My passion lies in self-inquiry and exploring my true self and getting closer to my intuition. Journaling is my safe place. Freedom is my highest value. I am passionate about human processes, emotions, and personal exploration – both my own and witnessing others’. I live for soul-to-soul connections and meaningful conversations. I seek belonging, acceptance, love, and freedom.

I am a Certified Wild Woman Project Circle Leader who hopes to create a safe nook for women to be vulnerable and authentic, explore their true selves, and connect on a soul-to-soul level.

Though it is not always comfortable, change comes naturally for me. I am multi-passionate who is definitely not on a straight path. I have many degrees, certifications and goals, and have walked on various career and personal paths over the past 10 years. I’ve traveled to over 40 countries and lived in over 10 of them. I’ve changed and changed over and over again, yet, in many ways I remained the same. I am a professional holistic health writer who helps health, wellness and nutrition businesses with content and copy. I am also a Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach, sometimes an EFL teacher, and a former social researcher in violence against children and other children/human rights issues with a Masters in Children’s Rights and Educational Sciences and a Bachelors in Psychology. I am a lifelong learner who lives outside of her comfort zones stretching her boundaries and discovering beauty around the world.

To join her circle, connect with her:
