Noelle Schendzielos – Rapid City, SD
A warm hello! My name is Noelle Schendzielos, this has been a long time coming, but I feel that it is finally time to start! The hope of the Young Goddess Circle is to offer a place that is welcoming and accepting of wherever you are at (the good, the bad, the ugly), build connections and trust with supportive wonderful women in the community, allow a space for you to be heard and seen without judgement, and also just an excuse to get together and enjoy each others company!
I will help facilitate the circle the first couple times (in coming up with the questions and providing the location), but ultimately we create the space and atmosphere together. <3 The best and shortest way I can think of describing it is a way for women to support women in stepping into their light and help build confidence in your ability to shine in a space that accepts you as you are- I know that’s a lot to live up to, but I really think that we are capable and women are kick-ass enough to create this space and I would be so excited to have you join in this adventure with me! 😉
You can find me on FB or else email me at breathingoutlove333@gmail.com.