Paige Sessions – Durham, UK

For many years I’ve been on my journey of reclaiming my divine feminine which is always an ongoing experience. I have deep-dived into my darkness, entered the mother’s fiery nature of destruction, death & rebirth and I have made it out the other side. I am Here to reflect what you may not be able to see. Living proof this work can drastically transform your life. This practice and commitment will change your external world from the inside out.

I am highly intuitive and embody wisdom from experience. I Have also faced challenges and experienced suffering and pain. Being connected with others can alleviate suffering. Having the right tools and people around to guide you can make remarkable differences on that journey. We all inevitably will face challenges and experience turmoil on some level, why not give yourself the gift of not doing it alone?

My wild woman circle is built on the intention of holding sacred space for you to explore your inner world in a safe container. To build resilience and calmness within yourself that you can tap into at any time. Become in tune with your body & intuition that can truly change your life once you learn through circle how to listen, trust and follow this knowingness into the unknown. We build community on a foundation of our hands supporting each other’s backs. My philosophy is that we all are equal and we each have treasures inside us that are waiting for us to discover and express into the world. We are here together to co-create a magical life.

I also hold the intention that by awakening as many women back to their powerful nature each of us can cause ripples in the ocean of energy we all live in. Women are the greatest untapped resource that modern society has access too, to create massive global change & evolution. You too by healing and raising your frequency and just being unapologetically you – will have a positive impact on humanity. Embody the wild woman in you!

Are you willing to create space for yourself to Co-create something new?

YES ! I am sending you a wolf HOWWWLLL to join the tribe !

Claim Your seat with links below 👇🏽

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