Rebekah Joy – Telecircle & Costa Rica
Rebekah Joy is an intuitive empowerment guide who helps the rising woman come back to her joy within so that she can share her innate gifts with the world and experience more freedom, energy & purpose. Rebekah leads circles (online & in-person), retreats, provides mentorship for sisters all over the world & has an online course (coming soon!)
She completed the Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training in December 2017; The Bee Present Mystery School – Personal & Spiritual Development Training in September 2017; The Institute for Integrative Nutrition – Health Coach Training Program in July 2016. In addition to hosting monthly new moon circles for women, she co-founded JOYRISE ecstatic dance to joyously dance with the whole commUNITY under the full moon.
To join her virtual circle contact her at:
or visit: