Rose Vanden Eynden – Cincinnati, OH
From an early age, Rose has sought paths to help her discover her own inner light and how to use it in service to humanity. Raised Roman Catholic, Rose attended 12 years of Catholic school, cementing her great love of both education and reverence for the Divine. She then went on to acquire a Bachelor of Science degree in education, and she has taught spiritual and personal development classes and workshops for nearly 30 years. She is a certified medium and an ordained Spiritualist minister as well as an initiated priestess of eclectic magick and Goddess traditions. Rose has served as a professional intuitive consultant, medium, and Tarot reader since the age of 19 for an international clientele. She is the author of three best-selling books on a variety of metaphysical topics and also writes fiction meant to entertain and inspire readers. She continues her diverse, immersive study of metaphysics through interactions with other leaders in the field and finds it a great privilege to enrich her own life through the work and wisdom of others. Rose’s primary goal in her work through Light Journey Enterprises is to help you recognize your own Divinity and joyfully express it in your life.
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