Samalie Rivera ~ Wallingford, CT

Hey love, I’m Sammie!

I’m a transformative coach with a background in psychiatric nursing, a certified women’s circle leader, and a certified yin yoga teacher that is passionate about the mind-body-spirit connection.

I’m a nature lover, a lover of love, a life long learner (I love listening to podcasts and audible books), a soul searcher, an amateur dancer, an amateur artist, an alchemist, and music is my medicine!

During the early stages of my nursing career, I found myself feeling stressed, burnt out, and out of balance with my life. These negative states of being motivated me to try yoga and work on self-development with the intention of regaining balance in my life.

During my transformative journey, my passion for the mind-body-spirit connection, along with my journey to my true authentic self has inspired me to guide people through their journey to their true authentic self. My dream is to help people live their best and most aligned life.

I created Oubaitori Wellness with the intention of holistically serving people through transformative coaching, yoga, women’s circles, and wellness retreats.

My desire is to create a thriving community where people feel seen and heard while fully expressing their most rawest self!

I’m excited to connect on a deeper and meaningful level!

Contact Sammie: 


Instagram: @theholisticpsychnurse

Instagram: @oubaitoriwellnessllc

Facebook Page: Oubaitori Wellness