Sedonia Steininger ~ Gainesville, Florida, USA

Sedonia is a queer, non-binary (they/she), atheist and biologist who loves plants and insects. They try hard to live in their integrity without taking themselves too seriously. Now there’s a mouth full! She has always been a seeker of truth (hence the whole scientist thing), but is relatively new to exploring the divine feminine and inner truth. (Yes, she is switching pronouns on purpose while writing their own bio – did I mention that she enjoys humor?) 

They hosts once monthly circles open to individuals of all gender identities and expressions, and all levels of openness to spiritual exploration. She promises zero answers, but seeks to create a safe and sacred space in which every participant in her circles can explore their own inner world in search of answers to those pesky questions we all have that seem to have no “right” answer. Let’s be honest – none of us really know what we’re doing. Let’s not know what we’re doing together! 

Call her she. Call her they. Just don’t call her mean names and you’re golden. 😉 

Please reach out to Sedonia via email at if you are interested in learning more about her circles.

Contact Sedonia: 



Sedonia is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training