Suzette West – Port Orchard, WA
Suzette West hails from Port Orchard, WA. A lifelong seeker of truth, love, and light, Suzette is a soul-searching wild-spirit gypsy woman who exercises spirituality through art, music, and conscious dance of all styles. She is a dancer, a musician, songwriter, and lover of life. She lives close to her instinctive nature, and she is not afraid to follow her heart; or to love with all of her soul. She is fiercely loyal to the Wild Woman Archetype and all that the sacred feminine embodies. She feels deeply that she has been awakened to answer a call, and that she was meant to be a part of something greater than herself; a larger web of divine light among a sisterhood of light-bearers aiming to heal the world as a collective of love, heart-energy, and peace. She feels truly blessed and will celebrate each New Moon with dance, song, a WILDISH spirit, and a heartfelt HOWL!
Email Suzette for upcoming circle dates at wildheartsrising@gmail.com | Circle Meetup Group | Twitter | Facebook