by Kimmay Caldwell | Aug 17, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
About the Campfire Series: Here at The Wild Woman Project, we deeply believe in the power of learning from and celebrating each other’s diverse experiences, stories, and perspectives. We also believe there is great power in allowing yourself to be witnessed. The...
by Cole Lopez | Jun 18, 2018 | Herbs, WILD WOMAN
This Moon Cycle, initiated by the New Moon in Gemini is the time to BREATHE. In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the lungs house unprocessed grief and sadness. The emotional asthma that forms allows for the past to take residence in this vital organ system...
by Chris Maddox | May 2, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
As the Moon Wanes, she offers herself to us as inspiration to let go. She’s asks: what is dying now? With world events making it clear that the Patriarchy is being challenged both by its inherently flawed design and by those brave souls who dare to...
by Chris Maddox | Apr 20, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
Foreward I have a poem for you today – which happens to be my birthday. I used to get awkward about my birthday, batting away any attention it brought my way. It’s funny though, as I have come to love the process of life (with all its many flavors and faces), to...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 16, 2018 | WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, The New Moon is here. With it she brings a remembrance that we can always begin again. Inspired by the Archetype of Mystical, Watery Pisces, Final Sign in the Zodiac – today & throughout the cycle – we will cultivating a...