Monica Ottosson is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training. She facilitates in Half Moon Bay, California, USA.

Verena Claudia Haage ~ Berlin, Germany

Verena is a neuroscientist, traveller, community advocate, nature lover and acrobat. As well as unravelling the complexities of the human brain in the lab, Verena travels the world finding inspiration in different cultures. As a community and nature lover, she believes in the power of women’s circles to foster connection, empowerment and collective healing. As an acrobat, she symbolises the balance between science and art, precision and fluidity. Her vision is to create a space for everyone to explore their inner self, connect with their intuition and unleash their inner wild self – a holistic experience that transcends boundaries.

Contact Verena Claudia: 


Instagram: @hgverena

Verena Claudia is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training.