Download this Virtual Retreat for the Moon Cycle, 10.8.18 - 11.6.18

Align with the Cycles of the Moon

Explore your Inner Wisdom

Be guided in Inquiry, Meditation & Intention Setting

In this Virtual Retreat, TWWP Founder, Chris Maddox, will guide you in a Creative Visualization & offer contemplations and intention setting tools for the Moon Cycle ahead. 


  • A Guided Creative Visualization in MP3 Format
  • A New Moon Magazine with: Inspiring words from Wise Ones, Helpful Visual aides, Astrological Inspiration, Very clear guidance on creating potent intentions for the Moon Cycle ahead.
New Moon in Libra falls on October 8th, 2018.
Enjoying Your New Moon Companion near that date is encouraged, but not required.

Our theme of this Retreat & the Moon Cycle: Relationship

October 8th, 2018 - November 6th, 2018

About this Exploration:

The quality of our closest relationships contribute greatly to our overall experience of life. Intimate one-on-one relationships ~ partners in romance & work, best friends & confidants ~ are where explore giving & receiving support and love.

This Moon Cycle we will shine our attention on this realm of our human experience, relationship, with curiosity and hope.

During Your New Moon Retreat, you will be guided in:

  • Exploring how you are showing up in your close relationships
  • Indentifying your Values and Ideals in Relationship
  • Listening to your Inner Guidance
  • Creating a potent intention to help you, as Gandhi taught, be the change you wish to see in the world, in this realm of your life.
When you sign up, you will receive:
 + A welcome email with a link to a downloadable video you can watch on your Computer or Smartphone, at your convenience.
The Exchange
Choose your own price between $10-$40*
*If price is prohibitive, please write and inquire about scholarships.
This is a safe space for all who identify as Women.


What if I bought the New Moon Retreat last month, will this be different?
The New Moon Retreat is different each month! Enjoy the variety of explorations each month. The New Moon Retreat is a variation of the content being offered in Wild Woman Project Circles around the world. In this way, you are in community with others exploring this theme at this time. Pretty cool, huh?
Can I buy this as a gift for someone else?
Yes, how nice of you. It can be delivered with a special message from you. Check the gift box on the order form.
I've done the New Moon Retreat before - is this different?
If you have taken part in any of the New Moon Retreat prior to this expect the same components (A Meditation & New Moon Magazing with Intention Setting).
When do these Monthly New Moon Retreats go on sale?
Each New Moon Retreat is available on the day of New Moon. When you Subscribe to Wild Woman Weeklyish, you will be the first to know when the Companion is released. Sign up here!
Is this New Moon Retreat associated with any particular religion or path?
No singular path or religion, but rather an inclusive coming together with wo(men) from all paths. A The Wild Woman Project, we all come from different spiritual/cultural backgrounds and gather around the ideas of: Sisterhood (having each others backs, empowering one another), a respect for the earth (wildness, turning to nature as a teacher) & creativity (the understanding that we are inherently creative beings). (We also tend to be a heart-centered bunch, lots of laughter & tears). For the Your New Moon Retreat it will help to have some interest in Astrology, even if it is totally new to you.
What if I'm not very tech savy? Will I be able to figure this out?
Absolutely. Your New Moon Retreat is very user friendly. It is delivered to your email inbox. In the welcome email, you will be given very clear directions to download the Retreat Video to your computer, ipads, tablets, and smart phones. If any confusion comes up, feel free to email us at
How long does the Virtual Retreat Last?
It is best to put aside between 45 minutes & an hour for the whole experience.
What payment methods can I use to pay?
Paypal. Most Major Credit Cards. No Cash. No check.
Is there any community component to Your New Moon Retreat?
No. This is a guided, yet solo retreat. You & your dreams.
Can I use my New Moon Retreat on my smart phone and tablet?
If I don't like it, can I get a refund?
Sorry, dear. No refunds. Use your inner guidance, if you feel like you’ll like this, you most likely will. If you are on the fence, consider:  #1 it’s pretty low-risk: $10-$40 & #2 if you don’t get excited reading about it, it’s probably not for you.
I didn’t see my question here. How do I ask?
Email with any further questions.

Hear from others who have studied with Chris...

Meeting Chris Maddox and discovering The Wild Woman Project reactivated a part of me that was frozen in time, waiting to be reborn.
Emily Alvarez

Chris Maddox as our fearless and spirited leader . . . I don’t think I can say enough.  Chris embraced each of us from the start, and shared her amazing content and talents with love, humor and shined her beautiful light with each lesson.
Kerry Griffith

The workshop connected me to a group of spirited women and in the group space gave me time to look deeply inside myself and reconnect. Chris is unapologetic in her quest to unleash the divine feminine on the world, and we (women) intuitively know that and long for that.
Stacey Ramsower

I would follow Chris into the darkness. She guided us with vulnerability, openness, humor, and honesty from the inside out. She is a courageous leader and a humble servant to The Wild Woman Project.
Maya Mortman

Chris is an amazing teacher and model of feminine leadership. She is warm, encouraging and knowledgeable.
Karla Hampton

Chris is such an honest, kind and insightful teacher.  She holds space and accepts all the chaos with joy, such a gift to behold!
Jennifer Hryciw

“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, 

but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.”

~Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD.

Got Questions? Email