I will be the first to admit, I’m no relationship expert. I, like many others in my generation am a child of divorce. And my relationship to marriage and partnership is a mix of rebellion & blind optimism with a dash of hopelessness.
That said, here are the 3 things I’m pretty sure I know about relationships:
- It never looks like what you think it’s going to look like AND that’s okay. I grew up watching Nora Ephron movies after school (and on the weekends and all summer). These repeated viewings of When Harry Met Sally and You’ve Got Mail gave love the kind magical of appeal that I was not seeing in my family unit. However, as an adult, I watched Ms. Epron’s lesser talked about movie Heartburn, a largely auto-biographical account of her marriage and divorce from Carl
Berstein. If you haven’t seen it, please do and not just because it stars Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson but that kind of relationship tragedy coming from arguably the greatest romantic comedy writer of the past 50 years really speaks to our collective complicated relationship to romantic love and partnership. (Nora did get back on the saddle and was married to her 3rd husband until she passed early this year.) It never looks like what you think it’s going to look like AND that’s okay.
- There is no such thing as a one size fits all relationship. We MUST stop expecting our partnerships to look like our neighbor’s partnership or our sister’s or our grandparent’s. The pressure of a cookie cutter relationship is too much to handle. We are starting to get to the point, culturally, where we can really praise an individual for being unique. Can we do the same with relationships? Yes, please!
- Keep the ‘you’ in ‘we’ or as Kahlil Gibran puts it, “let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of heaven dance between you.” When you make someone your everything, your spirit dims and the poor dear usually buckles under the pressure. They may be wonderful but they are not everything.
Many say that this generation will be the ones to redefine marriage. Personally, I view relationships as I view everything else in this world, an opportunity for a deeper understanding and connection to the divine.
In the name of exploration, I would love to hear your wisdom.
Please answer the following in the Comments Section Below:
What is one thing you know about relationships? And what is one thing that you don’t know/perplexes you?
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Wishing you a sweet week of living,
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P.P.S- New Yorkers, I will be leading a WILD Bodies, LUCID Women Workshop on November 3rd. You coming???
Never miss your mid-week dose of inspiration. Helping you CREATE the life of your WILDest Dreams, every Wednesday.
On the Horizon
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on January 29th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Chris Maddox is the founder of The Wild Woman Project where she teaches women how to utilize the gifts of the Wild Woman Archetype in their everyday lives & how to lead women’s circles in their local communities. She is the organizer & facilitator of the beloved annual WILD WOMAN FEST, a women’s retreat-festival hybrid which fosters a deep connection to nature, a direct experience of the divine feminine & profound spiritual sisterhood among the women in attendance.
An ever student of the great mysteries of existence and nature itself, Chris believes women are holding innate gifts & tools that society at large needs – now more than ever. She is committed to helping women remember their special magic and to bring it forward into every corner of their lives, for the greater good of the planet.
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