Step One: Ritual Foreplay
For Example:
Step Two: What Are You Surrendering?
For Example:
Step Three: Take Inspired Action
For Example:
Step Four: After Care
I’d Love to Hear From You!
On the Horizon
“If you ever needed confirmation that a true sisterhood experience could exist with generosity, inclusivity, rawness, inspiration, and pulsating fun, Wild Woman Fest is it. The culture is magnetic and welcomes each woman as they are.” ~ Rosa C.
Wild Woman Fest returns…
Join us for the 9th Annual Wild Woman Fest August 14-17th, 2025
All on a beautiful & sacred land in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Asheville North Carolina.
TICKETS GO ON SALE 4/4/25 at 12pm ET
"The Circle Leader Training Program at The Wild Woman Project was one of the most transformative and healing experiences of my life. I have received many tools, resources, support, and connections that I will carry on with me forever." ~ Hannah Devin, Graduate
Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on March 28th.
Online, from anywhere.
Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.
Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.
We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.
Amanda is the Director of Communications & Creative Development for The Wild Woman Project, as well as: Wild Woman Project Circle Leader, a member of the Love Crew at the annual WILD WOMAN FEST, and a Mentor for The Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training Program. She holds a B.A. in Theatre from California State University, Fullerton where she intensively studied Movement for the Stage. A self described Mystic, Artist, Witch, People Person, Beverage Aficionado from Los Angeles California; She is particularly passionate about the space where Art, Activism, and Spirit collide.
I surrender the tight hold of worry I hold, as I see my husband change with age (he is in his 70s). I release the need to watch him like a “hawk” and comment on when he slightly stumbles or drags a foot. I release the stress this worry has put on my shoulders. I release the internal fight I have with myself over this. I release the need to keep things from changing. I release the view of seeing the aging process as a negative.
Tina, what deep, powerful, and challenging work. Thank you so much for your vulnerable share. A beautiful intention. Sending you waves of support. 🍂 ♥️
This article was a lovely read. I feel a gentle nudge towards self care and growth. Ty Amanda and blessings be to all our sisters rising 💫
Thank you so much Lynne. Autumn Blessings to you! Yes… nudging you towards self care, certainly. Give yourself a hug from me, please! 💕 😘
I love the image of a tree dropping its ripened fruit. Releasing something that has taken time and energy to grow, but that is now ready to be surrendered. It makes me reflect on how my role as a mother has changed over the years as my children grow older and more capable, more independent. They still depend on me but it is clear our relationship is changing…and it’s beautiful.
I will surrender, once again, to this journey of motherhood and embrace every moment…even the moments where I have to let go. I will encourage my children explore the world and fill it with their own unique light.
Thank you for this lovely ritual. It is what my soul needed today.
Teresa, thank you for your share. I can only imagine the continued deep journey that is Motherhood, and I commend you for being committed to every movement of the process. So glad the fruit tree image and this Ritual were helpful to you. 🙏 ♥️
I surrender my belief that I am not good enough
I surrender my need to always be right
I surrender to the unknown
I surrender to love
Beautiful Molly. Thank you so much for your vulnerable share. Sending you big love. <3
I surrender the habit of overriding my body’s requests and desires
Ahhh such a simple concept, but sometimes very challenging. Thank you so much for sharing. Supporting you on this journey.
This was a beautiful ritual and just what I needed at this stage of my journey.
I surrender feeling responsible for ‘carrying’ all of my creative projects, even when I know it’s time to let them go.
Thank you for this & Happy Autumn Equinox, Sister! 🤗
So glad it was helpful. YES! Sometimes our projects are so hard to let go of, aren’t they? Sending you hugs and support on your journey. Thank you for sharing! Autumn Blessings to you! 🍁
Amanda – thank you for the guidance. I really enjoyed the foreplay of a long hot shower with essential oils on my body, lighting my candle and setting up my altar. I chose to create a collage with magazine clippings, pulled an oracle card and then found a fall Equinox
playlist on Spotify to listen to as I meditated on what I was surrendering or balancing as this is equinox fall in Libra.
What came up was…
I am releasing my old business identify completely as well as unconscious eating. I am honoring natural time as a way to balance with a focus on spiritual unfoldment.
Many howls and love to you and our community!
Pamela, your foreplay sounds amazing! What a beautiful gift you gave yourself to really take your time! How wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing what came up for you. Hands at your back as you continue to unfold this Autumn. Sending you howls and love right back. ♥️
Mmm this was so needed. Thank you for sharing this.
I am surrendering this false idea that I always need to be ‘doing’ to be successful.
I am surrendering my fear of feeling my darkest emotions.
I am surrendering my fear of getting close to people and having deep friendship.
I am surrendering my fear of how powerful I truly am.
I am surrendering my fear of reaching out for support and being vulnerable.
Makenzy, so powerful. Thank you so much for your vulnerable share. What a beautiful and brave surrender. Sending you support and Autumn Blessings. 🍁
Amanda, this was a powerful and apt prompt with the emotional circumstances coming up for me in my own life (synchronicities are fun). Thank you for sharing this ritual.
I release the resentment behind the “failures” of the relationship I ended earlier in the spring (for in hindsight, these were powerful teacher moments about myself).
I surrender to the reality that THAT specific chapter with my ex was ultimately closed not only out of wanting the best for myself and for him, but also knowing my heartbreaking decision came from a place of love.
I release my grip on the image of us I’d stubbornly clung to for years.
I release the anger I held toward him and myself for not meeting expectations I’d set for our relationship.
I release expectations about what a perfect relationship between him and I look like.
I release the need to influence his life or force him to bend to any ideas I might have of who his best self is.
I release the idea I have in my head about not my being “enough” to be worthy of love.
I release the guilt I feel for “walking away/ giving up” on “us”.
As a note (I don’t know whether this is over sharing, so sorry) I had the opportunity to reach mutual closure with him earlier this week after many months of silence. We were able to laugh about our toxic romantic dynamic. He thanked me for trying as hard for us as I had (which is something I didn’t know I needed to hear from him specifically until after he said it). He admitted that this extremely painful choice I made was ultimately a healthy one. All of this was what I was telling myself again and again all spring and summer, so it was remarkably validating. We exchanged a very powerful set of “I love you’s” with no conditions or agendas attached to them, no expectations of getting back together, which is perhaps only the second time in my life I’ve been able to live in a space of unconditional love to this magnitude. I pray this experience teaches me how to extend that unconditional love out to more of my relationships.
I only felt called to share because (and forgive me, as I’m still processing), after that night, the catharsis brought me a massive sense of peace with things, though there is still pain I’m not ready to release yet. I felt lighter than I had in months, and didn’t realize I’d still been carrying so much until after I could let it all out. I hold SO much gratitude for this relationship. Both of us had a lot of love to give to one another, but neither of us could find a deep way to receive it from each other. Breaking up with him was perhaps one of the most agonizing decisions I’ve ever had to make, and I understand how rare it is to end a partnership so cordially, which only further deepens my gratitude. After the release, what I found at the bottom of myself, all that was left of everything, was just Love. And tears. Tons of those.
Bailee, thank you so much for sharing your story (and such a vulnerable one at that). Reading your share and being let into your experience is a privilege that I cherish. I can certainly relate to so much of what you shared, as I’m sure so many of us here can. It sounds like you have had some potent discoveries, which I suspect you will continue to process and uncover many more treasures along this journey. Hands at your back as you continue walking this path. One day at a time, what a brave surrender. Deeply thankful that this Recipe could be of service to you. Sending you Blessings. ✨