by Chris Maddox | Jun 19, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
“What’s in a Word?” Gemini New Moon Report
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Associated Body Parts: Arms, Lungs
Rules Communication, Short Travel, Siblings, Neighborhoods, Schools, Learning 2012 might be the year of the Gemini aspects! We have 2 new moons in...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 13, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
WILD Woman Moon Circles are happening all over North America for the next week. You are invited! Wondering what happens at a Circle? Check out the Video Message Below! Find a Circle near you HERE. Don’t see you city listed? Join ME for the WW Telecircle next...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 6, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
We can not talk about duality(this month’s TWWP theme) without mentioning the men-folk. Given my mission through this project, it is no secret I revere women and the feminine spirit. It is probably clear that I believe fearless, intuitive and deeply felt women...
by Chris Maddox | Jun 6, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
Meet Payden Ackerman(Our only first male Circle Leader) who reached out to me in January of this year, around the time of TWWP launch and said he believed in the project and wanted to be a leader. It was because of his passion and a feeling in my gut that I opened the...
by Chris Maddox | May 30, 2012 | WILD WOMAN
“The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.” -Anais Nin I, like many writers, artists and creatives, have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about. I simply go within, take a look, and deliver insights of varying interest to you from my...