Current Moon Cycle

September 17th- October 15th 2020

Our Theme is

Love Listens: to Wield Love

Key Words









“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

One of the ways to wield love is to truly listen, to aim to understand another. It is by truly listening and understanding one another that we create meaningful connections and bonds. In circle and throughout the Cycle, we will aim to expand our capacity to love by listening.

Community Happenings

Our General Approach to Moon Cycles

Here at TWWP, we view Moon Cycles as chapters in the unfolding story of our lives. Within each chapter there are 4 major movements: New, Waxing, Full, Waning.

We carry a particular theme, a specific focus, each and every cycle. Our themes are inspired by the astrological placement of the New Moon at hand.

The New Moon is considered the beginning. At this sacred beginning we have the opportunity to retreat & go deeply within. This way we can enter the Moon Cycle with intention, depth & clarity. This is what our Circles are for.

In Wild Woman Weeklyish, our free community offering, we offer resources & guidance to continue the exploration of the theme throughout the cycle.

In the Waning Moon Phase, we will have WILD WOMAN SCHOOL with TWWP Founder Chris Maddox where we explore a topic directly related to the theme of the cycle.

About Our To Wield Love Series:

Core Questions: 

If love is the most powerful force on Earth, how do we actually wield it?

How do people who stand for love – love of one another & of the Earth – actually obtain and wield power? 

What happens to our lives when we commit to love as a verb?

Aims for the Year Ahead:

↠ To explore the Elemental Keys of Love: 

Love in the Key of Fire: illuminates, transforms, revitalizes

Love in the Key of Water: feels emotion, flows, nurtures

Love in the Key of Earth: stabilizes, holds, nourishes  

Love in the Key of Air: offers space, communicates, breathes  

↠ To expand our capacity to love

Explore Other Cycles in Our To Wield Love Series