About the Tiny Revolutions Series
The Wild Woman Project 2018 – 2019 Series

A revolution is the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course.
A revolution is a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.
A revolution is a change in paradigm.
This Year
Building on the inner awareness we’ve cultivated
Through years in rich exploration
of our esoteric & mystical nature,
Rooted in our bodies,
Connected to our living home here on Earth,
We consciously turn towards the World.
Trine of Aims for this series, this orbit:
⥁To honor & balance the Masculine & Feminine principles, within and without. We will approach personal & social change/evolution by both doing and being. Balancing Lunar & Solar, Space & Structure.
⥁To shine our attention on the specific areas of our life – from personal to collective. We will garner inspiration & structure for this process from the Astrological House System.