Current Moon Cycle

December 6th- January 4th 2018

Our Theme is Tiny Revolutions: Reimagine

Key Words: Truth Seeking, Thought Process, Mind-Expansion, Adventure, Wonder, Quest, Consciousness-Raising, Pilgrimage, Understanding, Belief, Learning

“Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul.”  

~Walt Whitman

Within us lives an imperative to understand, to journey beyond what we have been taught in childhood or at home, and see what else is out there.  As we explore the world through educational experiences of all kind & adventures to lands beyond our home of origin, we expand our minds, and naturally cultivate beliefs. As we grow, we encounter opportunity after opportunity to reexamine & reimagine what we believe to be true.

What we believe and how we think, shape not only our personal life, but also our contribution to the shared culture in which we live. Inspired by the generations of seekers that have come before us, this Moon Cycle we will shine our attention on this realm of our human experience: what we believe & how we think. Let us do so with a sense of adventure & wonder.

On the Horizon @ The Wild Woman Project

Our General Approach to Moon Cycles

Here at TWWP, we view Moon Cycles as chapters in the unfolding story of our lives. Within each chapter there are 4 major movements: New, Waxing, Full, Waning.

We carry a particular theme, a specific focus, each and every cycle. Our themes are inspired by the astrological placement of the New Moon at hand.

The New Moon is considered the beginning. At this sacred beginning we have the opportunity to retreat & go deeply within. This way we can enter the Moon Cycle with intention, depth & clarity. That is what our Circles & Your New Moon Retreats are for.

In Wild Woman Weeklyish, our free community offering, we offer resources & guidance to continue the exploration of the theme throughout the cycle.

On or near the New Moon, we have a WILD WOMAN SCHOOL session with TWWP Founder Chris Maddox where we explore a topic directly related to the theme of the cycle.

In the Final days of the cycle we send out a Moonthly Digest to help you do just that – digest all that has unfolded in your life, within and without.

Then, we are primed to begin – again.

About Our Tiny Revolutions Series
A revolution is the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course.
A revolution is a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.
A revolution is a change in paradigm.
This Year
Building on the inner awareness we’ve cultivated
Through years in rich exploration
of our esoteric & mystical nature,
Rooted in our bodies,
Connected to our living home here on Earth,
We consciously turn towards the World.

Trine of Aims for this series, this orbit:

⥁To honor & balance the Masculine & Feminine principles, within and without. We will approach personal & social change/evolution by both doing and being. Balancing Lunar & Solar, Space & Structure.
⥁To shine our attention on the specific areas of our life – from personal to collective. We will garner inspiration & structure for this process from the Astrological House System.
⥁To help ourselves and our community cultivate clarity about our personal values so we can each, as Gandhi encouraged, be the change we wish to see in the world.
Explore Other Cycles in Our Tiny Revolutions Series