Anne Marie Hamner – Telecircle

Are you interested in connecting to your authentic self? Do you consider yourself “spiritual” or at least open minded? Have you found yourself on a journey of self discovery and personal growth? If so, I’m calling you in to attend our next New Moon Circle!

Through history, women have gathered together to connect, share their experiences, learn from each other. We were more aware of our lives being guided by nature, the cycles of the seasons, our bodies, and the moon.

Today, women gather less often and less deeply, and it’s become less acceptable to be fully “wild” (read: authentic, natural, vulnerable, honest) in the world and with each other.

Now is the time to reintegrate these natural cycles into our lives. There is a renewed interest in gathering women together; circles are forming all over the world. We learn so much about ourselves just by witnessing another woman in her most authentic self. It is my personal belief that these kinds of circles are where real, positive change for ourselves and for the world will be born–through women connecting and remembering how to love our selves and each other, and how to be authentic to our experiences. T

o create this opportunity for reconnection to ourselves and each other, I am now facilitating Moon Circles through the Wild Woman Project. This time is an opportunity to slow down, check in with your self, and to set intentions for the upcoming month.

During each Moon Circle, we will gather together for guided meditation and visualization, to encourage reflection and connection to your own internal guidance. You will have an opportunity to share from your heart, if you feel called to. It is powerfully life affirming to be witnessed and supported by others as our authentic selves.

I lead these circles from a shamanic and personal spirituality perspective which is relevant to all who attend, and you are welcome regardless of your religious/spiritual affiliation.

This circle is a safe space, and is open to all who identify as women.

I’m based in Raleigh, NC, USA, however due to the pandemic, I am currently co-hosting circles online through Zoom with Elaine Marie, a dear friend who is also a Moon Circle facilitator. You are welcome to attend no matter where you live. We have women who join us from all over the US and a few international women too!

If this resonates with you, I would love to have you join us for an upcoming Moon Circle!

Please visit my website to RSVP or email me directly at!
