Calee Parker – Colorado Springs, CO

Calee’s vision for all her circles is to connect women to themselves and their bodies. As that gives women more capacity and availability towards others, it will open the door for deeper connections and collaboration. Calee believes that Sisterhood is not an assumed bond enforced through ideology. It is a living, breathing, always changing organism with its own innate genius. When women Gather, this allows a relaxed and undemanding space in which this genius can unfold is one way to address challenges we face. The activity, however mundane, is just a portal through which we enter the deep magic of communion.  

Calee is a Colorado Native, born and raised in Pueblo, CO. Needless to say, she is an adventurer by nature. Her external interests include rock climbing outdoors, hiking, camping, pottery, and reading. While her internal interests include astrology, energy work, and self study. The beautiful Maha (mother) Rocky Mountains have offered her so much wild energy from which she derives her own wild spirit from. Calee also has been active yoga practitioner and yoga teacher for seven years. She received three years of extensive yoga training through master yoga teachers is Los Angeles, CA. Now she teaches yoga in her snug little yoga community at Studio Satya in Colorado Springs. A healthy lifestyle, matched by a supportive community, is how Calee has nurtured her own body, mind, and spirit. 


Instagram: @caleeparkeryoga