Chelle Fraser – Brookings, OR


Taciturn pixie by day, industrious flit wit by night, Chelle can never really make up her mind which fits her more. She is a passionate, creative healer, who loves working with herbs. Her practice draws equally from science, spirit, clinical education and the garden. She currently holds a degree in Complimentary Alternative Medicine with an emphasis in Herbalism and Aromatherapy, Chelle has also studied Ayurvedic medicine through Buddha Medicine Healing Center. Chelle believes you are your own best source of information on knowing how your body works. Chelle hopes to increase awareness that the use of medicinal plants for wellness, and that the connection with the wildness of nature has the ability to heal and sustain life. She spends some of her time in her workshop, making soap and other herbal craft supplies. The other part of her free time is spent writing, being with her large and beautiful family, gardening, photography, kayaking and hiking in the pacific northwest coast. She loves to connect with divine essence wherever and whenever she finds it, her goal is to live mindfully within divine purpose from her heart and to share this experience with others. Chelle enjoys meeting new people, teaching, and learning new things. Chelle is an intuitive reader and has been doing formal card readings since she was a teenager, she loves helping people to hear their own messages from spirit and connecting them to their path.

To join her circle, connect with her at:
