Chris Campbell – Coshocton, Ohio

My Divine Assignment for the last 23 years has been to support, nurture and guide women on their spiritual evolution through various spiritual processes and disciplines.  I am the CFO=Chief Frolic Officer of “Soul Frolic” a little company sharing Spiritual Growth Playshops (no workshops here…as a woman you already work too much) and movement classes. I’m a Joyful, Vivacious, Spunky, Enthusiastic Spiritual Misfit that wants nothing more than to co-create with you to discover and embrace your “Inner Yum”.  What I’m not? I’m no guru. I’m not the cleaned up, dressed in white, virginal expression of the Divine sitting on a pristine zafu (although I’ve studied with some amazing peeps like that) and I don’t expect you to be either. In fact my meditation cushion has coffee stains on it. My yoga mat is dirty and sometimes so is my mouth. I’m a wild haired, wide eyed, heart wide open, dance every chance I get, version of The Spirit of the Universe.  I’m way less impressed with my certifications and more impressed that I’ve survived the last 56 years (which includes 23 years sober and mind blowing menopause). But just in case you dig certifications I am a trained Moon Circle Facilitator through the international Wild Woman Project, a certified Dancing Mindfulness Facilitator and currently I’m training to be a certified Qoya instructor.

to join her circle, email her at: