Monica Ottosson is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training. She facilitates in Half Moon Bay, California, USA.

Dee Wilcox ~ Nashville, TN, USA

Dee makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband of 20 years, two daughters and two fur babies. She loves nothing more than a quiet walk in the woods and a lazy Sunday morning spent with books.

Dee’s journey with the Sacred Feminine began in 2020, and she was introduced to the Wild Woman archetype in 2021. Each of those moments was life altering — pivot points on her spiritual journey and life path. Her experiences with the Wild Woman Project have gifted her a beautiful sense of sisterhood, community and support for deeper spiritual and inner work.

Today, she hosts women’s circles on the Sunday closest to the new moon. These circles meet with the intention of nurturing each woman’s sense of inner guidance, and strengthening the bonds of sisterhood. If you are looking for a place to be witnessed, supported and nurtured, please join us. 

Contact Dee: 

You can find info about upcoming circles here.


Instagram: @dee_wilcox