Isabelle Desmarais – Sidney, BC, Canada


Merry Meet.

My name is Isabelle and I walk, live, love, and breathe the path of magic as my feet rest upon the land of SET,TINES (Sidney, BC).

Because magic is around us all the time isn’t it?

I bow to the mystery and extend my arms wide to the unfolding.

Life has been a meandering river for me and on this journey I have met waterfalls and rapids.

It is my calling and my mission in this incarnation to hold sacred space.

A New Moon Circle is a protected web of sharing as we weave our truth and bathe in the magic of womoonhood.

In The Wild Woman Project I learned how to share my howl and I am offering an invitation to share yours in a circle of belonging in all the wholeness you arrive in, as we gather with other wild-hearted women; celebrating our wildly primordial selves in all of our luminous uniqueness.

If you are interested and would like to participate in a circle offering please email: